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    AI and Humanity, by llah Reza Nourbakhsh and Jennifer Keating
    Teaching Philosophy 45 (1): 134-137. 2022.
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    AI Ethics, by Mark Coeckelbergh (review)
    Teaching Philosophy 44 (4): 579-582. 2021.
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    A Categorical Characterization of Accessible Domains
    Dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University. 2019.
    Inductively defined structures are ubiquitous in mathematics; their specification is unambiguous and their properties are powerful. All fields of mathematical logic feature these structures prominently: the formula of a language, the set of theorems, the natural numbers, the primitive recursive functions, the constructive number classes and segments of the cumulative hierarchy of sets. This dissertation gives a mathematical characterization of a species of inductively defined structures, called …Read more
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    Natural formalization: Deriving the Cantor-Bernstein theorem in zf
    Review of Symbolic Logic 1-44. forthcoming.
    Natural Formalization proposes a concrete way of expanding proof theory from the meta-mathematical investigation of formal theories to an examination of “the concept of the specifically mathematical proof.” Formal proofs play a role for this examination in as much as they reflect the essential structure and systematic construction of mathematical proofs. We emphasize three crucial features of our formal inference mechanism: (1) the underlying logical calculus is built for reasoning with gaps and…Read more
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    Categorical harmony and path induction
    Review of Symbolic Logic 10 (2): 301-321. 2017.
    This paper responds to recent work in the philosophy of Homotopy Type Theory by James Ladyman and Stuart Presnell. They consider one of the rules for identity, path induction, and justify it along ‘pre-mathematical’ lines. I give an alternate justification based on the philosophical framework of inferentialism. Accordingly, I construct a notion of harmony that allows the inferentialist to say when a connective or concept is meaning-bearing and this conception unifies most of the prominent concep…Read more