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    Second Sense: A Theory of Sensory Consciousness
    Dissertation, The University of Connecticut. 2001.
    A major obstacle to the acceptance of materialist theories of the mind is the problem of sensory consciousness. How could a physical brain produce conscious sensory states that exhibit the rich and luxurious qualities of red velvet, a Mozart concerto or fresh-brewed coffee? A full answer to this question requires two different sorts of theory. The first sort considers what all these conscious sensory states have in common, by virtue of being conscious as opposed to unconscious states. The second…Read more
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    A major obstacle for materialist theories of the mind is the problem of sensory consciousness. How could a physical brain produce conscious sensory states that exhibit the rich and luxurious qualities of red velvet, a Mozart concerto or fresh-brewed coffee? Caging the Beast: A Theory of Sensory Consciousness offers to explain what these conscious sensory states have in common, by virtue of being conscious as opposed to unconscious states. After arguing against accounts of consciousness in terms …Read more
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    The Role of Unconsciousness in Free Will
    Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (5-6): 5-6. 2010.
    Does neuroscience show that free will is an illusion? No, it shows that unconscious mental states are causally effective in action. Because free will includes initiation by both conscious and unconscious states, the self as free agent should be characterized in terms of more than her conscious deliberations to range over unconscious beliefs, memories and feelings. Further, the ways social relations influence action and the ways actions influence the social environment are relevant to a full acco…Read more
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    Life as an adjunct: Theorizing autonomy from the personal to the political
    Journal of Social Philosophy 39 (3): 378-392. 2008.
    Self-conflict is a feature of most women’s lives, particularly as we struggle to balance the demands of work and family. Theories of autonomy that rest on a notion of a coherent self treat self-conflict as incompatible with autonomy; therefore, women who suffer self-conflict fail to act autonomously. Though autonomy and self-conflict can be accommodated by conceiving of autonomy as a matter of degree relative to a context of choice, this result sanctions a political system that forces the prio…Read more
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    Now or never: How consciousness represents time☆
    Consciousness and Cognition 18 (1): 78-90. 2009.
    Consciousness has a peculiar affinity for presence; conscious states represent their contents as now. To understand how conscious states come to represent time in this way, we need a distinction between a mental state that represents now and one that simply occurs now. A teleofunctional theory accounts for the distinction in terms of the development and function of explicit temporal representation. The capacity to represent a situation explicitly as ‘now’ and compare it with past situations in o…Read more
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    Review of Autonomy, Gender, Politics by Marilyn Friedman (review)
    Dialogue 44 (1): 174-176. 2005.
    Friedman presents a well-considered theory of autonomy, usefully elaborating the ways social influence is compatible and incompatible with autonomous action. In its reconciliation of autonomy and gender socialization, Friedman’s account makes important progress in addressing feminist concerns about autonomy. Nonetheless, Friedman could say more about the role of political society, particularly liberal society, in protecting and promoting autonomy.
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    Memory and Consciousness
    Philosophia Scientiae 17 (2): 171-193. 2013.
    Philosophical theories of memory rarely distinguish between importantly different sorts of memory: procedural, semantic and episodic. I argue for a temporal representation theory to explain the unique characteristic of episodic memory as the only form of conscious memory. A careful distinction between implicit and explicit representation shows how the past figures in memory. In procedural and semantic memory, the influence of the past is implicit by which I mean that the past experience is used …Read more
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    Higher-order Theories of Consciousness
    Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2005.
    **No longer available - article has been replaced by an updated entry.
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    Memory and Consciousness
    Philosophia Scientiae 17 171-193. 2013.
    Philosophical theories of memory rarely distinguish between importantly different sorts of memory: procedural, semantic and episodic. I argue for a temporal representation theory to explain the unique characteristic of episodic memory as the only form of conscious memory. A careful distinction between implicit and explicit representation shows how the past figures in memory. In procedural and semantic memory, the influence of the past is implicit by which I mean that the past experience is used …Read more