• De kunst van het vak
    Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 2 60-63. 2007.
  • Over de rechtstheorie van de Farizeeën: Een interview met Roberto Mangabeira Unger
    Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 2 42-48. 2007.
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    Legal Validity and Soft Law (edited book)
    with Anne Mackor, Stephan Kirste, and Jaap Hage
    Springer Verlag. 2018.
    This book features essays that investigate the nature of legal validity from the point of view of different traditions and disciplines. Validity is a fascinating and elusive characteristic of law that in itself deserves to be explored, but further investigation is made more acute and necessary by the production, nowadays, of soft law products of regulation, such as declarations, self-regulatory codes, and standardization norms. These types of rules may not exhibit the characteristics of formal l…Read more
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    De gevoelstemperatuur van het strafrecht
    with Anne Ruth Mackor and Jeroen ten Voorde
    Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 46 (2): 119-120. 2017.
  • The European Example; a Contingent Path towards Democracy
    Quest - and African Journal of Philosophy 3 (1): 60-75. 1989.
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    Naar een kritische en relevante rechtstheorie
    Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 48 (2): 244-255. 2019.
  • Validity: The Reputation of Rules
    In Anne Mackor, Stephan Kirste, Jaap Hage & Pauline Westerman (eds.), Legal Validity and Soft Law, Springer Verlag. 2018.
  • A Short Note on the Validity of Rules Guiding Informal Markets
    with Yugank Goyal
    In Anne Mackor, Stephan Kirste, Jaap Hage & Pauline Westerman (eds.), Legal Validity and Soft Law, Springer Verlag. 2018.
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    Lawyers Doing Philosophy
    Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 43 (3): 260-266. 2014.
    Rundle criticizes the command conception of law by means of Fuller’s and Arendt’s concept of human agency. However, neither of these two authors derive law from human agency, as Rundle seems to think. Instead they stress that personhood can only be attributed to physical human beings on the basis of law. Moreover, their theories cannot be understood as answers to Rundle’s question – whatever that may be – but as answers to their own questions and concerns. In the case of Arendt and Fuller, these…Read more
  • The Disintegration of Natural Law Theory. Aquinas to Finnis
    Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 60 (4): 779-780. 1998.
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    Ernest J. Weinrib, The Idea of Private Law Reviewed by
    Philosophy in Review 16 (4): 302-303. 1996.
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    From Democracy to Accountability
    In Erich Kofmel (ed.), Anti-Democratic Thought, Imprint Academic. pp. 165. 2008.
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    Moet er strenger gestraft worden of juist niet? Mag de rechter door de wetgever aan banden worden gelegd? In hoeverre mag de overheid ingrijpen in het privéleven van haar burgers? Deze vragen zijn inzet van menig opiniërend krantenartikel of discussieprogramma. Ook degenen die zich beroepshalve met het recht bezighouden zullen zich van tijd tot tijd moeten bezinnen op taak en functie van het recht. Moeten we regels toepassen als ze tot onrechtvaardige uitkomsten leiden? Leiden regels wel tot het…Read more
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    This book focusses on conceptual shifts in the successive formulations of natural law theory by Aquinas, Suárez, Grotius, Pufendorf, and Finnis, and reveals the accumulation of problems, inherent in natural law and theory, which ultimately led to its demise.
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    Autonomie als voorwaarde tot legaliteit
    Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 38 (1): 11-16. 2009.
    Brouwer defended the view that the autonomy of the individual citizen is furthered by articulated, precise and clear legislation. The question arises whether all kinds of rules can be said to enhance such autonomy. It is argued that a distinction should be drawn between rules that dictate desirable outcomes, on the one hand, and rules that determine the way the game is played, on the other. Rules of the game often reflect the way they were drafted and can be seen as the embodiment of power relat…Read more
  • Pufendorf: De laatste en de eerste
    Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 91 (4): 269-279. 1999.
  • Ernest J. Weinrib, The Idea of Private Law (review)
    Philosophy in Review 16 302-303. 1996.
  • Review (review)
    Grotiana 11 (1): 43-50. 1990.
  • The Moralist: A conversation with John Harris about bioethics
    Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 1 46-56. 2005.
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    Arguing About Goals: The Diminishing Scope of Legal Reasoning (review)
    Argumentation 24 (2): 211-226. 2010.
    This article investigates the implications of goal-legislation for legal argumentation. In goal-regulation the legislator formulates the aims to be reached, leaving it to the norm-addressee to draft the necessary rules. On the basis of six types of hard cases, it is argued that in such a system there is hardly room for constructing a ratio legis. Legal interpretation is largely reduced to concretisation. This implies that legal argumentation tends to become highly dependent on expert (non-legal)…Read more