540Applied Ethics: Strengthening Ethical Practices (edited book)Tilde Publishing and Distribution. 2012.The claim is made in the book, Applied Ethics, published under the auspices of the Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics (AAPAE), that it can strengthen ethical behaviour. That claim, embodied in the subtitle, is based on more than a half dozen practices set out in the book. In total, they are drawn from an examination of ethical practices across fourteen different disciplines. The purpose of this paper is to outline and support that claim, drawing primarily on chapters of …Read more
442STOPPING CORPORATE WRONGSAustralian Journal Professional and Applied Ethics 12 (1&2): 55-69. 2010.The corporate meltdowns of this and the previous decade in the US - WorldCom, Enron, Tyco, and in Australia - FAI, HIH and AWB being among the many examples - have resulted in the governments of those two countries introducing legislation and policy guidelines aimed at minimising future corporate misbehaviour. The US has introduced the Sarbanes Oxley Act, with requirements on corporate accountants and auditors, as well as its whistleblowing provisions. It has revised the Federal Sentencing Guid…Read more
258A Practical Role for PhilosophyPhilosophy Now 52 34-35. 2005.A Practical Role for Philosophy, Abstract This paper argues that philosophy departments should endeavour to assist the multitude of other departments and faculties in a university or college that have or wish to present an ethics course .A majority of departments at the writer’s university present such a course. Each department has to develop its own ethics course. The assistance would comprise an identification of which of those many ethical theories that a philosophy department teaches that w…Read more
175Softening Australia's Position on RefugeesHttp://Onlineopinion.Com.Au/View.Asp?Article=18555. 2016.This article argues that the many reasons for softening Australia’s position on refugees are idealistic, humanitarian, legal, practical and economic .The idealistic reasons are that Australia, already with a high percentage of its people with an immigrant background , could demonstrate the ability of the many different races of world to live together without excessive conflict.
29A Comparative Analysis of Whistleblower ProtectionsAustralian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics 8 (2). 2006.
25The paper examines the education and training of adults in ethics. It applies to courses at universities and colleges as well as in the work place. The paper explores the evidence on our ability to strengthen moral behaviour through courses on ethics, finds it to be weak, so starts with the assumption that we cannot teach people to be ethical. The paper asks therefore what the objectives of a course could be and how best to achieve them. It examines the different theories in the literature, even…Read more
16Empiricism, Moral Philosophy, and Ethical BehaviorPhilosophy Study 3 (4). 2013.I argue in this paper that moral philosophers need to incorporate into their teaching and writing a number of empirical findings on ethical practices. Principal among these is clearer guidelines on speaking out against wrongdoing, as well as the development of codes of ethics that have been proven to work. The adoption of the critical thinking and the analytical methodology of other disciplines is also suggested. Several benefits will result. The most noticeable will be a strengthening of ethica…Read more
An Analysis of Whistleblower ProtectionsAustralian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics 8 (2). 2006.
Institutionalising Ethical BehaviorAustralian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics 10 (1-2). 2010.
Naked children, moral philosophy and photographsOn Line Opinion. 2008.The debate about children in art and the surrounding morality started with Bill Henson's photographs of naked pubescent children. It is wider now, extending in several directions. In particular, into freedom of speech , and its association with freedom in art This article explores these issues with particular regard to Hensons photographs; and the application of several of the moral theories to this issue