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    History Improvised
    Philosophy Today 60 (4): 827-838. 2016.
    In this text, a dialogue about the difficult task of seizing the sense of history today is presented. The point of departure is the difficulty of the times to begin and the necessity to rethink the difference between historiography and historicity, and further between events, the event and the advent. The dialogue proposes to revisit the meaning of beginning from out the experience of improvisation and to reflect upon the possibility of developing improvisation as a sense of history.
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    Between Heidegger and Novalis
    Northwestern University Press. 2021.
    This book brings the poet and philosopher Novalis into dialogue with the work of Martin Heidegger, demonstrating that both should be understood principally as thinkers of relation.
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    Heidegger’s Birth
    Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 7 40-54. 2017.
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    On Touching the Violin
    Research in Phenomenology 48 (3): 331-345. 2018.
    This essay considers the work of Jean-Luc Nancy on touch as a model for a conception of the musical body. More than a re-emphasizing of the tactile, though, it is possible to show that Nancy’s work enables an understanding of music as touch. The significance of this re-thinking lies in the counterweight it provides to the degradation of music entailed in its digitalized de-materialization. Hegel is seen to be complicit in this degradation.
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    Beni Vacanti
    Philosophy Today 60 (4): 869-876. 2016.
    There is no heritage.
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    En-counterings of Time
    with Werner Hamacher
    Philosophy Today 60 (4): 839-849. 2016.
    The text tries to make plausible the necessity in every thought of time to think an un-time—a 'field' without the form of time that only allows for conceiving of time as a form.
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    Strange Lands
    Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 14 (2): 321-334. 2010.
    A gradual intertwinement of beauty and concept can be seen to determine, in no small measure, the direction of the first half of the Critique of Judgment. This paper considers the decisive influence of this intertwinement on the work of Hölderlin. Links are forged between the productive indeterminacy of the “aesthetic ideas” and the development of Hölderlin’s poetics, particularly in regard to his understanding of the relation between the natural world and its naming. The focus of attention will…Read more
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    Hegel's Voice: Vibration and Violence
    Research in Phenomenology 39 (3): 359-373. 2009.
    This essay is a consideration of Hegel's account of the voice. Responding, in the first instance, to Derrida's discussion of what he terms Hegel's 'semiology,' the article attempts to map out complexities in Hegel's account of voice that tend to resist absorption into the trajectory that Derrida has outlined. Hegel's discussion of music in the Aesthetics will be the focus, and an attempt is made to link the emergence of the musical voice to the fundamental determinations of time and of sound in …Read more
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    The Keenness of Hope
    with Catherine Chalier
    Levinas Studies 5 117-131. 2010.
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    Passionate Deceptions: Nicole and Racine on the Theatre
    Evental Aesthetics 2 (1): 21-41. 2013.
    This paper is an attempt to re-consider the aesthetics of tragedy in the work of the seventeenth-century dramatist Jean Racine. The purpose of the essay is twofold. On the one hand, the intention is to re-invigorate the reading of a dramatist whose work is too easily buried beneath labels such as “French Classicism.” On the other, an attempt is made to use this re-reading to cast new light on some of the central questions of representation, pleasure and tragedy that were to become fundamental to…Read more