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    Oxytocin as an allostatic agent in the social bonding effects of music
    with Niels Chr Hansen
    Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44. 2021.
    Despite acknowledging that musicality evolved to serve multiple adaptive functions in human evolution, Savage et al. promote social bonding to an overarching super-function. Yet, no unifying neurobiological framework is offered. We propose that oxytocin constitutes a socio-allostatic agent whose modulation of sensing, learning, prediction, and behavioral responses with reference to the physical and social environment facilitates music's social bonding effects.
  • Simultaneous self-other integration and segregation support real-time interpersonal coordination in a musical joint action task
    with H. Liebermann-Jordanidis, Giacomo Novembre, and Iring Koch
    Acta Psychologica 218 (103348). 2021.
    The ability to distinguish between an individual's own actions and those of another person is a requirement for successful joint action, particularly in domains such as group music making where precise interpersonal coordination ensures perceptual overlap in the effects of co-performers' actions. We tested the hypothesis that such coordination benefits from simultaneous integration and segregation of information about ‘self’ and ‘other’ in an experiment using a musical joint action paradigm. Six…Read more
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    Pianists duet better when they play with themselves: On the possible role of action simulation in synchronization
    with Günther Knoblich and Bruno H. Repp
    Consciousness and Cognition 16 (1): 102-111. 2007.
    Ensemble musicians play in synchrony despite expressively motivated irregularities in timing. We hypothesized that synchrony is achieved by each performer internally simulating the concurrent actions of other ensemble members, relying initially on how they would perform in their stead. Hence, musicians should be better at synchronizing with recordings of their own earlier performances than with others’ recordings. We required pianists to record one part from each of several piano duets, and late…Read more
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    Optimal Tempo for Groove: Its Relation to Directions of Body Movement and Japanese nori
    with Takahide Etani, Atsushi Marui, and Satoshi Kawase
    Frontiers in Psychology 9. 2018.
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    Functional segregation of Self and Other in Joint Action. A dual-EEG study with piano duos
    with Novembre Giacomo and Sammler Daniela
    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9. 2015.
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    A grammar of action generates predictions in skilled musicians
    with Giacomo Novembre
    Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4): 1232-1243. 2011.
    The present study investigates shared representations of syntactic knowledge in music and action. We examined whether expectancy violations in musical harmonic sequences are also perceived as violations of the movement sequences necessary to produce them. Pianists imitated silent videos showing one hand playing chord sequences on a muted keyboard. Results indicate that, despite the absence of auditory feedback, imitation of a chord is fastest when it is congruent with the preceding harmonic cont…Read more
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    Cues for self-recognition in point-light displays of actions performed in synchrony with music
    with Vassilis Sevdalis
    Consciousness and Cognition 19 (2): 617-626. 2010.
    Self–other discrimination was investigated with point-light displays in which actions were presented with or without additional auditory information. Participants first executed different actions in time with music. In two subsequent experiments, they watched point-light displays of their own or another participant’s recorded actions, and were asked to identify the agent . Manipulations were applied to the visual information and to the auditory information . Results indicate that self-recognitio…Read more