Charles University, Prague
Faculty Of Philosophy And Arts
PhD, 2005
  • [The Molinist theory of the relation of divine prescience and human freedom in late Scholasticism and current analytic philosophy]
  • Tomáš a Kajetán o analogii jmen
    Filosoficky Casopis 56 468-472. 2008.
    [Aquinas and Cajetan on the analogy of names]
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    Emergence in Ontic Structural Realism
    Pro-Fil 24 (2): 1-17. 2023.
    The paper outlines the understanding of emergence in Ontic Structural Realism of James Ladyman (and his co-author Ross). First, the notion of emergence is explored, surveying the various distinctions associated with it (ontological vs. epistemological, diachronic vs. synchronic, weak vs. strong). It turns out that Ross and Ladyman’s notion of emergence is that of weak epistemological emergence compatible with ontic reduction. Particular notions of emergence are associated with the objection embo…Read more
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    The paper deals with the problem of divine causation in relation to created agents in general and human rational agents in particular. Beyond creation and conservation, Aquinas specifies divine contribution to created agents’ operation as application in the role of the first cause and the operation of the principal cause employing an instrumental cause. It is especially the latter which is open to varying interpretation and which might be potentially threatening to human freedom. There are diffe…Read more
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    “Mystical Theology” in Aquinas
    European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (4): 123-140. 2022.
    The paper explores two avenues to the union of the believer with God in Thomas Aquinas inspired by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite; namely, the intellectual union in faith through the gift of understanding and the union in charity as the basis for the knowledge associated with the gift of wisdom. The former amounts to an intellectual grasp of revealed truths without full understanding of the terms used (without the apprehension of the essences), yet with a clear understanding of what would be er…Read more
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    The Theory of Predication in Aquinas: Inherence or Identity?
    Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 2022 (4): 406-426. 2022.
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    Článek souhrnně odpovídá na vybrané podněty a námitky čtyř textů, jež polemizují s některými aspekty Dvořákovy knihy Kauzalita činitele (Togga 2020). Ve vztahu k článku J. Peregrina vysvětluje, proč nelze přijmout jeho řešení antinomie mezi svobodným rozhodováním a determinismem oddělením dvou druhů jazyků či výkladových rámců. Kritiku S. Sousedíka Dvořák považuje za založenou na příliš úzkém pojetí schopnosti. Odmítá to, že by z pojmu schopnosti plynulo, že ta může být determinována pouze něčím…Read more
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    Implikují vágní objekty vágní identitu?
    Filosofie Dnes 10 (1): 31-44. 2019.
    Článek z oblasti analytické metafyziky se věnuje problému, zda vágní objekty implikují vágní (neurčitou) identitu. Pokud by tomu tak bylo, pak lze s Evansem argumentovat tak, že nemohou existovat, protože vágní identita vede k nekoherenci. Studie představuje argument pro zmíněnou implikaci (Weathersonovský argument) a ukazuje, jak se jeho závěru vyhnout. Evansův argument předpokládá, že jména v tvrzeních o neurčité identitě referují určitě. Nejlepší cesta, jak se celému problému vyhnout, je tedy…Read more
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    The paper attempts to interpret P. van Inwagen’s refutation of Evans’ argument that there cannot be vague objects and defend it against the charge of inconsistency raised by Radim Bělohrad. However, such an interpretation is not without a cost. Therefore another interpretation of van Inwagen’s example of the Cabinet is offered which evades Evans’ charge of inconsistency against indeterminate identity as it does not need the notion at all.
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    The paper explores the status of the proposition "God exists" in late scholastic debates of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in some key authors of the era. A proposition is said to be self-evident if its truth is known solely from the meaning of the terms and is not inferred from other propositions. It does not appear to be immediately evident from the terms that God exists, for the concept expressed by "God" is based on the relation to creatures and negation of imperfection and does not…Read more
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    The Relational Logic of Franciscus Toletus and Petrus Fonseca
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 14 (1): 87-99. 2009.
    The well-known Ratio Studiorum of 1599 states that logical instruction should follow F. Toletus or P. Fonseca. The latter authored the famous Institutionum Dialecticarum Libri Octo, the former a similar manual, Introductio in Dialecticam Aristotelis. As is often observed, the contrast between the Aristotelian and present symbolic logics is perhaps most striking in their analysis of relational statements. Both authors recognize the relational logical form as independent from the traditional subje…Read more
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    The Relational Logic of Franciscus Toletus and Petrus Fonseca
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 14 (1): 87-99. 2009.
    The well-known Ratio Studiorum of 1599 states that logical instruction should follow F. Toletus or P. Fonseca. The latter authored the famous Institutionum Dialecticarum Libri Octo, the former a similar manual, Introductio in Dialecticam Aristotelis. As is often observed, the contrast between the Aristotelian and present symbolic logics is perhaps most striking in their analysis of relational statements. Both authors recognize the relational logical form as independent from the traditional subje…Read more
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    Neurčitá Identita v Kvantové Oblasti a Strukturní Realismus
    Studia Neoaristotelica 16 (3): 1-39. 2019.
    The paper deals with the problem whether there can exist indeterminate identity. If one accepts Evans’s argument, then statements about indeterminate identity can be true, but only those, in which at least one of the singular terms does not refer determinately. One does not have to explain all vagueness as semantic, i.e. as indeterminacy of meaning, because some such statements can be true on account of indeterminacy of reality. This can be shown in the particular quantum case introduced by Lowe…Read more
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    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 93 (2): 187-189. 2019.
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    Vásquez’s Anselmian Response to Wycliffian Deterministic Arguments
    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 93 (2): 251-270. 2019.
    Gabriel Vásquez discusses two deterministic arguments ascribed to John Wyclif. He appeals to the Anselmian solution based on the distinction between two types of necessity: antecedent and subsequent necessity. Unlike the former, the latter necessity does not destroy future event’s contingency, which is required if it is to result from a free choice. The paper discusses the Aristotelian objection according to which a statement describing some contingent future event is either without truth-value,…Read more
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    The ontological foundation of possibility: An aristotelian approach1
    Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 14 (1): 72-83. 2007.
    The article introduces and defends Aristotelian ontological theory of the possible as that which a power is capable of bringing about. It regards this conception to be a sort of middle way between Platonic explanation based on abstracta on one hand and the possibilist theory ultimately making everything possible into actual on the other. The doctrine defended leads to the conception of necessary being. Combined with other assumptions concerning this being, there arise some interesting issues and…Read more
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    Univerzální preskriptivismus R. M. Hara
    Studia Neoaristotelica 3 (1): 56-61. 2006.
    The article is a critical systematic presentation of R. M. Hare's ethical concepts and doctrine as outlined in his books The Language of Morals (1952) and Freedom and Reason (1963). The theory merits attention for many reasons, yet it appears to suffer from some weaknesses; the chief among them being the lack of explanation for the source of binding force of moral principles.
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    Some Thomists on Analogy
    Studia Neoaristotelica 3 (1): 28-36. 2006.
    The article is a presentation of the Thomist response to Scotist criticism of analogy; namely, the defense of St. Thomas’ teaching in some leading renaissance and post-renaissance Thomists: Thomas de Vio, better known as Cajetan, Sylvester of Ferrara, John Versor and John of Saint Thomas. The author first explains the general core of the semantic doctrine of analogy and outlines the basic terminology. Then he exposes the way Cajetan and other Thomists knit Aquinas’ dispersed remarks on analogy i…Read more
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    Some Thomists on Analogy
    Studia Neoaristotelica 3 (1): 28-36. 2006.
    The article is a presentation of the Thomist response to Scotist criticism of analogy; namely, the defense of St. Thomas’ teaching in some leading renaissance and post-renaissance Thomists: Thomas de Vio, better known as Cajetan, Sylvester of Ferrara, John Versor and John of Saint Thomas. The author first explains the general core of the semantic doctrine of analogy and outlines the basic terminology. Then he exposes the way Cajetan and other Thomists knit Aquinas’ dispersed remarks on analogy i…Read more
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    K modálnímu ontologickému důkazu
    Studia Neoaristotelica 1 (1-2): 33-69. 2004.
    The article deals with various modal versions of the ontological argument from N. Malcolm’s to P. Tichý’s interpretation of Anselm’s second proof. Three key presuppositions of the modal proof are pin-pointed and examined. The principal problem with the proof seems to be the notion of necessary existence attributed to God. More precisely, the question is whether this is not too strong an attribute, for then there would not be a situation, i.e. a possible world, consistently thinkable which preclu…Read more
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    Thomas Aquinas on Contingency in Nature
    Studia Neoaristotelica 5 (2): 185-196. 2008.
    The paper deals with Aristotle’s argument against determinism and in favor of contingency in nature as interpreted by Thomas Aquinas. The case against determinism is based on the idea that there are properly uncaused accidental events in reality. This means that in case there is some coincidental future event e, one cannot trace an unbroken causal chain leading to e back to the present or the past. For a Christian Aristotelian, such as Aquinas, there arises a difficulty concerning divine forekno…Read more
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    K modálnímu ontologickému důkazu
    Studia Neoaristotelica 1 (1-2): 33-69. 2004.
    The article deals with various modal versions of the ontological argument from N. Malcolm’s to P. Tichý’s interpretation of Anselm’s second proof. Three key presuppositions of the modal proof are pin-pointed and examined. The principal problem with the proof seems to be the notion of necessary existence attributed to God. More precisely, the question is whether this is not too strong an attribute, for then there would not be a situation, i.e. a possible world, consistently thinkable which preclu…Read more
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    Some Thomists on Analogy
    Studia Neoaristotelica 3 (1): 28-36. 2006.
    The article is a presentation of the Thomist response to Scotist criticism of analogy; namely, the defense of St. Thomas’ teaching in some leading renaissance and post-renaissance Thomists: Thomas de Vio, better known as Cajetan, Sylvester of Ferrara, John Versor and John of Saint Thomas. The author first explains the general core of the semantic doctrine of analogy and outlines the basic terminology. Then he exposes the way Cajetan and other Thomists knit Aquinas’ dispersed remarks on analogy i…Read more
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    Freedom and Necessity
    Studia Neoaristotelica 4 (2): 173-184. 2007.
    The paper deals with various species of fatalism originating either in causal determinism, in the semantic fact that propositions about the future may be true in the present, or in divine omniscience. The common argument form is identified as well as the relevant notion of modality at play, that of power necessity. Finally, the paper examines briefly a strategy to combat theological fatalism, the socalled Ockhamism and various attempts to disprove the underlying transfer principle (of power nece…Read more
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    Freedom and Necessity
    Studia Neoaristotelica 4 (2): 173-184. 2007.
    The paper deals with various species of fatalism originating either in causal determinism, in the semantic fact that propositions about the future may be true in the present, or in divine omniscience. The common argument form is identified as well as the relevant notion of modality at play, that of power necessity. Finally, the paper examines briefly a strategy to combat theological fatalism, the socalled Ockhamism and various attempts to disprove the underlying transfer principle (of power nece…Read more