Petra Chudárková

University of Hradec Králové
  •  496
    Moral Intuitions from the Perspective of Contemporary Descriptive Ethics
    Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 41 (2): 259-282. 2019.
    In the last twenty years, there has been an enormous growth of scientific research concerning the process of human moral reasoning and moral intuitions. In contemporary descriptive ethics, three dominant approaches can be found – heuristic approach, dual-process theory, and universal moral grammar. Each of these accounts is based on similar empirical evidence combining findings from evolutionary biology, moral psychology, and neuroethics. Nevertheless, they come to different conclusions about th…Read more
  •  17
    Hluboký nesouhlas a naturalizovaná etika
    Filozofia 77 (10): 756-769. 2022.
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    Kritika intuicionismu a Heumerův pokus o jeho revizi
    Filozofia 75 (9): 776-792. 2020.