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    Neonatal nurses’ response to a hypothetical premature birth situation
    with J. Green, A. Adams, and D. Jackson
    Nursing Ethics 096973301667787. forthcoming.
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    Can nursing educators learn to trust the world’s most trusted profession?
    with David R. Thompson
    Nursing Inquiry 28 (2). 2021.
    Nursing and nursing education face a paradox whereby the world's most trusted profession seems not to trust its own students and practitioners. Much of nursing education has adopted what has been memorably described as the ‘cop shit’ approach. This is the panoply of surveillance, anti‐plagiarism and proctoring technologies that appear to be used more for policing and punishment of an inherently dishonest student body than to develop ethical and scholarly writing among future peers and colleagues…Read more
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    Failure to report poor care as a breach of moral and professional expectation
    with Robin Ion and Stephen Olivier
    Nursing Inquiry 26 (3). 2019.
    Cases of poor care have been documented across the world. Contrary to professional requirements, evidence indicates that these sometimes go unaddressed. For patients, the outcomes of this inaction are invariably negative. Previous work has either focused on why poor care occurs and what might be done to prevent it, or on the reasons why those who are witness to it find it difficult to raise their concerns. Here, we build on this work but specifically foreground the responsibilities of registrant…Read more
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    Nurse participation in legal executions: An ethics round-table discussion
    with Linda Shields, Roger Watson, Hugh McKenna, Ged Williams, Catherine Hungerford, David Stanley, Ellen Ben-Sefer, Susan Benedict, Benny Goodman, Peter Draper, and Judith Anderson
    Nursing Ethics 25 (7): 841-854. 2018.
    A paper was published in 2003 discussing the ethics of nurses participating in executions by inserting the intravenous line for lethal injections and providing care until death. This paper was circulated on an international email list of senior nurses and academics to engender discussion. From that discussion, several people agreed to contribute to a paper expressing their own thoughts and feelings about the ethics of nurses participating in executions in countries where capital punishment is le…Read more
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    It’s agony for us as well
    with Janet Green, Anne Adams, and Debra Jackson
    Nursing Ethics 23 (2): 176-190. 2016.
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    Quality versus quantity: The complexities of quality of life determinations for neonatal nurses
    with Janet Green, Anne Adams, and Debra Jackson
    Nursing Ethics 24 (7): 802-820. 2017.
    Background:The ability to save the life of an extremely premature baby has increased substantially over the last decade. This survival, however, can be associated with unfavourable outcomes for both baby and family. Questions are now being asked about quality of life for survivors of extreme prematurity. Quality of life is rightly deemed to be an important consideration in high technology neonatal care; yet, it is notoriously difficult to determine or predict. How does one define and operational…Read more
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    The myth of the miracle baby: how neonatal nurses interpret media accounts of babies of extreme prematurity
    with Janet Green, Anne Adams, and Debra Jackson
    Nursing Inquiry 22 (3): 273-281. 2015.
    Improved life sustaining technology in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) has resulted in an increased probability of survival in extremely premature babies. Miracle baby stories in the popular press are a regular occurrence and these reports are often the first source from which the general public learn about extremely premature babies. The research from which this paper is drawn sought to explore the care‐giving and ethical dilemmas of neonatal nurses when caring for extremely premature b…Read more
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    Reclaiming ‘Big Nurse’: a feminist critique of Ken Kesey's portrayal of Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Nurse Ratched or ‘Big Nurse’ in Ken Kesey's counter‐culture novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is one of popular culture's most arresting and memorable images of the nurse. She is, however, deemed to be remarkable primarily for her malice and authoritarianism. This paper argues that such a purely realist reading fails to fully appreciate the significance of the character of…Read more
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    Reading Heidegger and interpretive phenomenology: a response to the work of Michael Crotty
    with John Diekelmann and Nancy Diekelmann
    Nursing Inquiry 6 (1): 17-25. 1999.