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    Book Reviews (review)
    with Matthew C. Eshleman, Nahum Brown, J. Reese Faust, and Brooks Kirchgassner
    Sartre Studies International 29 (2): 79-99. 2023.
    Bruce Baugh, Philosophers’ Walks (New York: Routledge, 2022), 251 pp., $48.95 (paperback), ISBN: 978-0-3673-3313-3 Marco Cavallaro and George Heffernan (editors), The Existential Husserl: A Collection of Critical Essays (New York: Springer, 2022), 354 pp., $119.99 (hardback), ISBN 978-3-031-05094-7 Mary L. Edwards, Sartre's Existential Psychoanalysis: Knowing Others (London: Bloomsbury, 2023), 258 pp., $115.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-1-350-17347-7, $39.95 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-350-33107-5. Elisa …Read more
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    Distributed Identity
    Dissertation, University of Connecticut. 2022.
    This dissertation offers and defends a phenomenological account of personal identity. It does so critically in conversation with Anglo-analytical traditions and varieties of other philosophical traditions from around the world, especially Zen Buddhism. Chapter One brings together three areas of philosophy: the multiple realizability thesis from philosophy of science, the logical pluralist position from philosophical logic, and the various conceptions of personhood from metaphysics. I argue that …Read more
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    What Comes from a Thing
    Fourteen Hills. 2015.
    What Comes from a Thing is the first collection of poetry from philosopher Phillip Barron. It won the 2015 Michael Rubin Book Award from Fourteen Hills Press. This volume takes as its subjects presence and absence after the death of manufacturing and the disintegration of the working class under twenty-first century capitalism. These poems embody the sounds and rhythms of factories, industrial farmlands, and ports of late modernity. Whether rural or urban, the places—like the aesthetics—of these…Read more
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    "Who Has Not Wak'd": Mary Robinson and Cartesian Poetry
    Philosophy and Literature 41 (2): 392-399. 2017.
    A close reading of Mary Robinson’s late-eighteenth-century poem “London’s Summer Morning,” which captures all the noises and smells of a busy London street, is not enough to convince the reader that it isn’t all a dream. But whose dream? René Descartes and Wallace Stevens suggest that it may not matter.
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    The influence of surrealism and Philippe Soupault on William Carlos Williams' poetry.
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    Gender Discrimination in the U.S. Death Penalty System
    Radical Philosophy Review 3 (1): 89-96. 2000.
    Although the demographics on male versus female death-row prisoners suggest that males are the criminal justice system’s primary targets, the author argues that the system still discriminates against women. Utilizing postmodern scholarship, he argues that female prisoners are punished primarily for violating dominant norms of gender correctness.