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    Images du silence: pensée et art chinois
    Editions L'Harmattan. 1999.
    " Quand la peinture atteint son état divin et merveilleux, il y a nécessairement le souffle silencieux. Car, quand on a balayé toutes les manières extravagantes et les traces artificielles, un souffle silencieux se condense de lui-même entre le papier et l'encre... Quand la peinture est parvenue au silence, elle atteint son sommet de la perfection. " Silencieusement, la peinture de paysage en Chine nous ouvre un univers infiniment calme et serein. Elle reflète la sagesse la plus profonde de la c…Read more
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    Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism
    Chinese Studies in Philosophy 28 (3): 75-80. 1997.
    Recently I had the opportunity to read once again, thoroughly and carefully, the book entitled La défaite de la pensée 1 written by the French philosopher Alain Finkielkraut. This book provides a historical critique of the development of thought in the West since the Enlightenment through the interweaving of the two threads of "national spirit" (minzu jingshen, in German, Volksgeist) and "cosmopolitanism" (shijie zhuyi), and the mutual interaction between them.
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    Ownership Structure and Insider Trading: Evidence from China
    with Oliver M. Rui
    Journal of Business Ethics 134 (4): 553-574. 2016.
    In this paper, we examine the information content of insider transactions in China and analyze how ownership structures shape market reaction to these transactions. We find that the cumulative abnormal return to insider purchases is a convex function of the percentage of shares owned by the largest shareholder. Further, the CAR to insider purchases is lower when the largest shareholder is government-related, or when the control rights of the largest shareholder exceed its cash flow rights. We al…Read more