Raoni Padui

St. John's College, Santa Fe
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    This book argues that Hegel and Heidegger offer two divergent paths towards reconciling the dichotomy between nature and world inherited from modern philosophy. Raoni Padui traces the ways in which nature is incorporated into the domain of meaningful human dwelling that Heidegger calls “world” and Hegel calls “Spirit” or Geist.
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    From the Facticity of Dasein to the Facticity of Nature
    Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 3 50-75. 2013.
    There have been two prominent ways of thinking about the relationship between phenomenology and naturalism: the first and more traditional way, in continuity with Husserl’s critique of psychologism, exhibits the incompatibility of phenomenology with all forms of naturalism and positivism; the second and more recent interpretive strategy attempts to naturalize phenomenology and make it consistent with current scientific accounts of consciousness and intentionality. In this paper I argue that desp…Read more
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    Quentin Meillassoux has recently leveled a controversial attack on critical philosophy and the transcendental turn through his concept of correlationism. This critique is motivated by the attempt to move away from a philosophy of human finitude towards a speculative materialism. In this paper I argue that Meillassoux’s understanding of correlationism does not adequately depict the critical turn, especially in regards to the distinction between the epistemological problem of realism and the probl…Read more
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    Hegel’s Ontological Pluralism
    Review of Metaphysics 67 (1): 125-148. 2013.
    This paper argues against recent post-Kantian readings of Hegel that overstate the role that the distinction between nature and spirit plays within Hegelian Idealism. In order to do so, it first differentiates between a transcendental and an ontological way of understanding such a distinction, arguing that the former is Kantian or neo-Kantian in nature while the latter is properly Hegelian. Then it demonstrates how Hegel attempts to both preserve the difference between the realm of nature and th…Read more
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    Heidegger on the Nonsense of Objects
    International Philosophical Quarterly 55 (4): 495-514. 2015.
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    Sovereign subject and bare thing
    Philosophy Today. forthcoming.
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    Homo Kantius
    Philosophy Today 54 (2): 121-131. 2010.
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    The Necessity of Contingency and the Powerlessness of Nature
    Idealistic Studies 40 (3): 243-255. 2010.
    In this paper I argue that there are two distinct senses of contingency operative within Hegel’s philosophy, and that the failure to sufficiently distinguish between them can lead to a misrepresentation of Hegel’s idealism. The first sense of contingency is the categorical one explicated in the Science of Logic, in which contingency carries the meaning of dependence and conditionality, while the second sense of contingency, predominantly found within the Philosophy of Nature, means irrationality…Read more