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    Valent Representations, Bodily Feelings, and Social Norms
    Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 5 (2): 24-29. 2024.
    In this commentary, we discuss Tom Cochrane’s theory of emotions. Cochrane offers an appealingly unified account of valent representations, ranging from simple responses to complex representations within a mechanistic framework. This offers some guidance as to how we might conceive of emotions as simple action-guiding responses in infants and animals, as well as context-sensitive evaluative states. While Cochrane argues for the centrality of bodily feelings, he does not consider his approach to …Read more
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    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Verkörperter Humanismus und humanistische DigitalisierungskritikVerteidigung des Menschen (review)
    Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69 (4): 661-668. 2021.
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    Draw a distinction
    In Markus Rath & Ulrike Feist (eds.), Et in Imagine Ego: Facetten von Bildakt Und Verkörperung : Festgabe Für Horst Bredekamp, Akademie Verlag. pp. 441-466. 2012.
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    Explaining embodied emotions – with and without representations
    Philosophical Explorations 21 (2): 319-331. 2018.
    Embodied accounts have offered a theoretical framework in which emotions are understood to be patterned embodied responses that are about core relational themes. Some authors argue that this intentionality should be understood in terms of some kind of non-conceptual representation format, while others suggest a radical enactivist framework that takes emotions to be intentional but not representational. In this paper I will argue that the abstract nature of the core relational themes emotions are…Read more
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    Social functions and functional explanations play a prominent role not only in our everyday reasoning but also in classical as well as contemporary social theory and empirical social research. This volume explores metaphysical, normative, and methodological perspectives on social functions and functional explanations in the social sciences. It aims to push the philosophical debate on social functions forward along new investigative lines by including up-to-date discussions of the metaphysics of …Read more
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    In this book, Rebekka Hufendiek explores emotions as embodied, action-oriented representations, providing a non-cognitivist theory of emotions that accounts for their normative dimensions. _Embodied Emotions_ focuses not only on the bodily reactions involved in emotions, but also on the environment within which emotions are embedded and on the social character of this environment, its ontological constitution, and the way it scaffolds both the development of particular emotion types and the unfo…Read more
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    Das Hypothesenwesen: Die genealogische Methode bei Nietzsche und Rée
    Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (3): 440-450. 2019.
    There is an eye-catching similarity in structure between Paul Rée’s Origin of Moral Sensations and Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morals. Accordingly, the Genealogy has been understood as a riposte to Rée. I will argue in this paper that Nietzsche distances himself from Rée not only by developing alternative genealogies for moral concepts and institutions. Nietzsche’s main aim in criticizing Rée is to develop his own genealogical method that aims for historical adequacy, psychological adequacy, distin…Read more
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    Die Entstehung der Moral, der Begriff der Moral und das Bild von der Natur des Menschen
    Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 73 (2): 183-208. 2019.
    This paper reconstructs Michael Tomasello's account of the evolution of morality and discusses it in the context of the philosophical debates on human nature and the concept of morality. The aim is to show that Tomasello presupposes a particular understanding of what morality is. He takes cooperation and fairness to be constitutive elements of human moral psychology and takes these to be dispositions that enable egalitarian interaction within a group. That these dispositions are what is central …Read more
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    Philosophie der Verkörperung: Grundlagentexte Zu Einer Aktuellen Debatte (edited book)
    with Jörg Fingerhut and Markus Wild
    Suhrkamp. 2013.
    Beim Stichwort ”Kognition“ denken die meisten an das Gehirn, Computermodelle oder Informationsverarbeitung. In der realen Welt treffen wir aber immer nur auf Wesen mit Körpern, die in eine Umwelt eingebunden und in ihr aktiv sind. Kognition findet nicht im Kopf statt, sondern in der Welt. So lautet der Grundgedanke der Philosophie der Verkörperung. Die Hinwendung zu Körper und Umwelt stellt eine der vielleicht weitreichendsten Neuorientierungen der modernen Kognitionswissenschaft und Philosophie…Read more
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    Affordances and the normativity of emotions
    Synthese 194 (11): 4455-4476. 2017.
    The normativity of emotions is a widely discussed phenomenon. So far embodied accounts have not paid sufficient attention to the various aspects of the normativity of emotions. In this paper it shall be pointed out that embodied accounts are constrained in the way they can account for the normativity of emotions due to their commitments to naturalism, externalism, and anti-vehicle-internalism. One way to account for the normativity of emotions within a naturalist framework is to describe the int…Read more
  • Catherine Newmark-Passion--Affekt--Gefühl (review)
    Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 62 (1): 3. 2009.
  • Catherine Newmark: Passion – Affekt – Gefühl (review)
    Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 62 (1). 2009.