• Hindu science
    Niti Aayog Govt India. 2019.
    Hindu Science referred Spirit Soul/ Antaraatma Aatma as eternal/amar; Bible that was scripted later, has allusion to this. Interpreting religious texts with discretion is a Philosophical arena. The value of this is to allow for Civility and avoid Inefficiency, insanity, violence and eternal ignorance.
  • Triumph; Introduction
    Online Fandom. 2020.
    Triumph is based upon processes, goals, phases and inner qualities. In some Theology, DAY was representative of phases of Good/Right being victorious and not a specific date/day being so as a frivolous reference.
  • Oneness
    Online. 2020.
    Poetry, Article ; Introduction: A Word that seems as Quiet The realm where Oneness is never exiled.. Beauty in being with Self, oneself and the beloved, A light that can only multiply itself!
  • Beauty of Truth, countless; Introductory
    Online Poetry Collections. 2020.
    Relationship, With the poem, music and folds of the heart within which they resided … Some are elevated to know poetry, music and a heart that knows Life! The fragrance of Life, Takes into its ascent, dots from a known heart and Makes Love’s [truth] beauty live forever in countless ways.
  • Art as: Values of Life
    Online. 2020.
    Too poor for Art, Answer: Art is sustenance, when poor.......... From a true spirit, drawn, Slow sometimes, but sure. The word, image and their strength Feeds the soul To make for days' bread.. Those in lavish castles can also be poor.. Its the soul, That needs to live! Seen the simply clad Feast upon life As they drew for others, banquets from inspired verse, streams in deserts and springs in valleys Art, real Is life!
  • You write in prose It reads as poetry. When you cringed at their pain of partition from theirs The trembling when they were loud The smile at effort's ethic To sit beside the grieving. The prose that wrote of plainly intense emotions that unfold and then wrap up Wrap up, untold of... The flower's bud Knows the flower Your Prose Knows Poetry
  • Every Ideology is not quest for domination-... some may not implement an ideology in fullness, however, that does not indicate its intent towards supremacy of an oppressive kind. The KJV NIV Amplified New Testament ( select Relevant portions with Spiritual science) has some principles/ doctrines of purity of intent that renders equal opportunity , propounds Rewards based /is just and does not demand from the weaker /strives to care for or empower them.
  • Sutras [Sanskrit Hindi] originating from - Threads of Inner Highest Energy Consciousness stitched into a concentrated thread: to stitch/sew and make threads and cloth woven with energy consciousness that is most high/transcends the challenges and infuses requisite wisdom and strength' and is meant to be towards holding, enclosing, representing and unifying various strands/constituents needed for wholeness. Sutras could be syllables, lines, formulae, physical threads and cloth that depicted th…Read more
  • Perfection, Creativity and Innovation are intangible domains in humans [inner lands] and refer to Energy constituents through Processes and Results that are founded upon care for Life [peace -justice, kindness in natural and inner]. Originally, the term WORD referred to an entire Communication process [inputs, throughput and output] and was based upon an Intent that manifested into natural.
  • HEBREWS 1:1, 2 NIV Bible VERSE depicts A LEADER in The CREATOR : A LEADER instills, where essential, and furthers potential towards Development through envisioning, empowering and energising . As friend and believing in Intents that go beyond own life, A Leader [in specific domain and/or in general] nurtures and has Thoughts/Energy constituents that are stronger than weaknesses and challenges [is overcomer]. Different phases demand variant Leaders' competencies-- however, the Morals of Develop…Read more
  • Spirit-uality is a 'spirit [innermost, vital, energy component that causes thinking and actions in soul and body] domain' that deals with the consciousness [consciousness is what is able to inspire, strengthen and render scope towards present and future prospects]. Saints, Messiah and prophets are Consciousness' that uphold values [conscience and the eternal] through their processes of thinking and consequent deeds.
  • Observation and Experience results prove that every Individual has potential [inherent, capability to have it inculcated more deeply and actualised from a residue within] to replicate, create, engage with, distribute, replenish and utilise Righteous Energy. With scope as being a Seed, individuals can cause Righteous Energy to be initiated and made fruitful through volition: From at birth and creation [Genesis], individuals have the phenomenon ability to manifest righteous works, words and contin…Read more
  • The process of Creation is from an Entity [symbolised as dew, Bindu Bindi in Sanskrit]- a living Being with inherent capability to breathe in its kind of life, substance and structure from an Image [vision, mission and sustainable Substance]: Creation is not creating from nothing. When cosmic rays from the Entity/ stronger intangible energy [with ability to inspire, envision, encourage and empower] manifest in more natural/tangible realms, they create spheres and realms of activity [interactio…Read more
  • It is stated in historical chronological records that there was a large gap between the Book of Malachi [Old Testament] and the Book of Matthew [New Testament] in the Bible, and the cause for it was because the individuals during the phase had not inculcated essential processes to be guided and nurtured via a strength above their failures and weaknesses. Often it is years before a requisite Musical piece, poetry work, painting depiction, Rhema word/s and other leadership methods are brought int…Read more
  • The Bible has numerous illustrations of Prioritising and the values that determine it. The Bible is respected by some due to its ability to prioritise vocations, know and impart eternal principles and resources with wisdom and concern. Vocations as praying, seeking and sharing Rhema , poetry, paintings, thinking, agriculture and services [research, teaching, instruction, communications] towards weak [unknowledgeable etc.]are amongst most noblest and only those with highest SQ, EQ and IQ can take…Read more
  • The guidelines towards Thought Leadership is vital towards the highest caliber being vouched for and implemented to enable lifesaving proficiencies to be preserved and utilised optimally. Choice of a certain role-model is based upon Moral Aptitude -that is to be made practical- and replaceable only when previous holds lesser. Inspiring, Envisioning, Encouraging and Empowerment are facilitative behaviours, locally and globally and are thus Real/true Thought Leadership. Inspiration infuses breath …Read more
  • Affiliations and intent for them cannot be attributed as being affection in one member/team only- both and/or involved have needs that revolve around the affiliation/s; however with the maturer side/individual/s , the source of fulfillment will not depend upon response of the weaker. Gravitational theories propound inter-planetary mechanisms as affecting planetary motions - there are Substances that sustain and are stronger than planets in Humans- Humans have abilities in their super chemistri…Read more
  • An individual emotionally close to someone can influence the emotional-level of the other person , whether physically in proximity or distant geographically- the bondings are intrinsic [thought waves that are of compatible-frequency]. When The Christ performed deeds that were confined to a region, the Intent and Energy for it were not limited to that region and individual/s only- the specific situation asked for a certain Rhema word or/and deed, but the Intent towards Good and the Energy that ca…Read more
  • Multiplication of a Subtle and natural Constituents : Philosophy
    In Reshma Arora Self (ed.), Online. pp. 1. forthcoming.
    2 Peter 1:2 Bible, New Testament ref. : "Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord" -this reference renders some insights about Increase of Subtle constituent [grace and peace -signified by Love/ Wisdom/ Light of Knowledge that is imperishable which can be within and with many at various locations and infinitely] irrespective of space, time, material limitations and natural elements yet unknown [observed in individuals, environs and inspired e…Read more
  • While considering the influence of Content upon health and communications {physical and emotional [cognitive incl.] }, there is a possibility of increased focus upon the Dhvani/meters/syllables/music rather than actual content being good and also engaging harmonious methodology [harmonious] to communicate : the latter enables long-term and deeper health, individually and socially [what goes in comes out]. Recitations etc. without complete content /knowledge are not suitable for actual educ…Read more
  • Philosophy has been undermined by some as being rational and non-experience based and thereby not really Known/insight by experience. Philosophy, however can be output of experience and/or data-based [research through various methods]. Some have the quotient level to be able to know without experience, the philosophical constructs of a domain, life etc.- and others have a quotient that prefers study/data based in order to ensure correctness- -this could be more persona-profile based rather tha…Read more
  • Contemplating the Abstract and Structured and allowing for solutions [preventive and corrective] trough both methods is discussed as mutually exclusive by some. Abstract painting, for instance, is depiction of data not knowable to sensory perceptions in the natural and is thus quite undefined- however, Structure based work is also intelligent and could be the initiate and culmination of Abstract work [starting point for Focus upon Abstract, interpretations that make the Abstract work become kno…Read more
  • Industry and Philosophy
    Govt India. forthcoming.
    Philosophy is the basis and guide to individual and industry. That is Industry which engages Effort and is wholesome to overall health [moral and natural] of those serving and served. As a nation, a Philosophy that is sustainable is possible to be imbibed through clarity of precepts and goals- only when this occurs are Industries given and rendering a fair chance for positive progress. With less dependence on humans and their efforts in some domains, the programming of artificial intelligence …Read more
  • Consciousness at large defined as conscience, aspirations, inspiring capability, thoughts, intents, emotions and subtle [when compared to physicality], is global /expansive and individual-centric as per observations and experience. Depending upon volition [mechanism in each human's mind brain], Consciousness can be chosen, levels can be decided and changes made . Isaiah 26:19 Bible has referred to a Dew quality as being celestial/super/heavenly/ most pure and having super-abilities- some res…Read more
  • Importance and relevance of responsible behavior can never be overlooked. Philosophy has a vital role in rendering and restructuring attitudes that are pleasant and functional. Philosophy being chiefly about making sense/ordering and reordering does influence and get influenced by conscience, consciousness and interactions [intra and inter]. The Abstract here is an introduction to the gauging of Harmonizing the Mind and the long term implications of same: In Quantum Physics and Mind research, a …Read more
  • Knowing the Ideal Philosophy
    Niti Aayog, Govt India, Innovate India , Online Site. forthcoming.
    Experimentation, Observation, Inference, Traditions and Experience are some methods to gauge Ideal philosophy in individual and corporate lives. Philosophy [consciously or otherwise] propels thoughts, intents, emotions, actions and resultant interactions [peace, wars, hope, fulfillment, financial and non-monetary trends etc.]. From an individual perspective, the principles that could guide towards understanding an Ideal Philosophy could include: its Scope, Objectivity, Defining Development and …Read more
  • Identifying Philosophy as Guide
    Indian Mgt groups. 2000.
    People, publications and industries come and go, and some could vanish altogether - however, Philosophy as Guide could be one's partner for life. Identifying the parameters that define good Philosophy and knowing their value at various phases of life is essential personally and industrial-wise. Conceptual, Relational and Technical proficiencies are all based upon Philosophical structures and content. Processes that understand Results/ expectations and accordingly elaborate Inputs and Procedures …Read more
  • Industry and Philosophical Traditions ; Relevance
    In Management Books for Corporates and Management Studies. 2000.
    References to certain Philosophical traditions render insights about how Industries were founded, their reasons for success, methods to revive and benefits; this Abstract gives basic information ; Behavioural Expectations, Talent Identification, Individualised Education , Some general Studies, Prediction based Behaviour, Audits and Rewards are referred in historical records. Examples: Joseph [had personal familial challenges] in Old Testament Bible was predictive of famine and was led through …Read more
  • Some Bible references state that the Intents, Thoughts [/Prayers, Presence] and Words of those with high SQ [Spiritual Quotient] was sufficient to cause effects to occur in natural tangible realm. Hindu logic was based upon acceptance of truth/ honesty and rejection of falsehood, and thus was said to be the science of faith : Practical implementation was possible through correct Theory with those possessing high moral expertise- the working out was within the spirit-soul of the concerned indiv…Read more
  • The Unchangeable
    From A Study Published and Listed Online by Self/ Reshma Arora; Title: Justice, Math, Aesthetic, Kindness; on Govt India Portal. 2020.
    The phenomenon /law of sowing-reaping/ cause-effect is unchangeable- - however, the effect/reaped can be changed by changing the cause/sowing. Outcomes do not have to remain same. This is also depicted in Math systems of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing- what has been added can be subtracted also. Uses of this data assists in changing situations- freedom of choice remains the fixed factor and should never be given up or exchanged for.