•  1119
    This paper, unveiling the visionary short-sightedness of animal protection, argues for a just vision towards animals in India. Critically analysing the wide range of animal protections in India, the paper finds that in spite of such protections, animals continue to suffer out of unfair and unjust treatments in the country. Considering visionary short-sightedness as the reason behind these unfair and unjust treatments, the paper argues that ensuring the rights of non-human animals to basic capabi…Read more
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    Pandemic Influenza Planning and Response in India, 1949-2009
    with Chhanda Chakraborti
    Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 25 (1): 7-13. 2015.
    For last couple of years, the subcontinent of India has witnessed a number of influenza epidemic outbreaks. History reveals influenza epidemic to be a constant but neglected companion of India. Considering the repeated occurrences of the event on Indian soil, including influenza A H1N1 after 2009-10 pandemic event, a check to the planning measures has been done at national level. A literature survey on the initiative measures, planning accomplishments etc. reveals that it is only after the emerg…Read more
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    Tuberculosis, caused by bacteria, usually affects the lung. Being airborne, TB has been one of the world’s deadliest communicable diseases. In spite of being curable and preventable, the disease has always been a continuous threat to human population. Moreover, there are cases of multidrug resistant, extremely drug resistant as well as HIV associated forms. Recognizing this grave threat, the World Health Organization urged every country to have a national program for tuberculosis prevention and …Read more
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    India, Health Inequities, and a Fair Healthcare Provision: A Perspective from Health Capability
    with Chhanda Chakraborti
    Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 16 (4): 567-580. 2015.
  • Epidemics (edited book)
    Springer. 2015.