• A relação entre norma e valor em Nicolai Hartmann
    Phainomenon 23 (1): 455-468. 2011.
    The clarification of the relation between norm and value was historically one of the main philosophical concerns of the phenomenological current of the movement known as Philosophy of Values. One of its major characters, Nicolai Hartrnann, in his bookEthik, argues in favor of almost identifying one with the other. For him, the “ideal ought-to-be” (the one indifferent to the way reality is) already belongs to the nature of values, since they have an inherent tendency towards reality. In this comm…Read more
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    Começo por distinguir entre proibição em abstrato (tipicidade) e proibição em concreto (ilicitude), situando o estado de necessidade justificante ao nível das causas de exclusão da ilicitude. Relaciono a exclusão da ilicitude resultante do estado de necessidade com a noção de ‘bem’ em sentido integral ou agregado. Depois, passo ao ponto principal deste ensaio, aplicando a teoria da diferença, usada no cálculo da indemnização em sede de responsabilidade civil, para aferir se há ou não superiorida…Read more
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    O dilema de Jørgensen tem atormentado os imperativistas até aos nossos dias. Resumidamente, se há uma Lógica das Normas, então esta tem por elementos proposições (as proposições normativas) e, simultaneamente, tem por elementos imperativos, que não possuem conteúdo proposicional. Neste ensaio, defender-se-á que o imperativismo é totalmente compatível com a concebilidade de uma Lógica Deôntica de proposições, pelo que não é necessário afastá-lo para manter a referida concebilidade (ainda que haja…Read more
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    Church's Undecidability Theorem is one of the meta-theoretical results of the mid-third decade of the last century, which along with other limiting theorems such as those of Gödel and Tarski have generated endless reflections and analyzes, both within the framework of the formal sciences, that is, mathematics, logic and theoretical computation, as well as outside them, especially the philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of logic and philosophy of mind. We propose, as a general purpose of this a…Read more
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    Decidable and undecidable fragments in First order logic
    Apuntes Filosóficos 26 (50): 90-113. 2017.
    The present paper has three objectives: Presenting an actualization of a proof of the decidability of monadic predicates logic in the contemporary model theory context; Show examples of decidable and undecidable fragments inside First order logic, offering an original proof of the following theorem: Any formula of First of order logic is decidable if its prenex normal form is in the following form: ∀x1,…,∀xn∃y1,…,∃ymφ; Presenting a theorem that characterizes the validity of First order logic by …Read more
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    Terá sentido proteger e responsabilizar penalmente máquinas tal como se protege e responsabiliza penalmente pessoas? Será a Inteligência Artificial das máquinas uma mentalidade artificial, produzida por entidades mentais naturais? Se sim, a artificialidade é decisiva para negar a sua proteção e responsabilidade penais? Se não há verdadeira mentalidade, estará justificada, ainda assim, a sua proteção e responsabilidade penais? E é necessária a posse de mentalidade para haver proteção e responsabi…Read more
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    Uma Análise do Argumento a Favor do Princípio da Relatividade
    In A. Balsas & B. Nobre (eds.), The Insides of Nature: Causality and Conceptions of Nature, Axioma – Publicacoes Da Faculdade De Filosofia. pp. 125-158. 2020.
    According to the principle of special relativity, the laws of nature are the same for systems at rest and for systems in uniform and rectilinear motion: for the formulation of the laws of nature, the body C and the body C´, which, relative to the former, is in uniform and rectilinear motion, are equivalent. Galileo, in the Dialogue on the Two Greatest Systems of the World, developed the following argument in favor of such a principle: two bodies C and C´, which are in uniform and rectilinear mot…Read more
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    Uma Crítica das Principais Objeções ao Imperativismo
    Anatomia Do Crime 10 121-150. 2019.
    Throughout ⁠the ⁠history ⁠of ⁠thought,⁠ several⁠ objections⁠ to ⁠imperativism have ⁠been ⁠advanced. ⁠I⁠ think ⁠most⁠ of ⁠them ⁠are ⁠bad⁠ objections.⁠ But ⁠there are ⁠also ⁠those ⁠that ⁠are ⁠good.⁠ In⁠ this ⁠essay,⁠ I ⁠intend ⁠to ⁠analyze ⁠some ⁠of them, ⁠concluding ⁠by ⁠pointing ⁠out ⁠what ⁠I ⁠consider ⁠to ⁠be ⁠the ⁠main ⁠one: ⁠that the ⁠two ⁠essential⁠ characteristics ⁠of ⁠norms, ⁠necessity ⁠and ⁠violability, ⁠are not ⁠found⁠ in ⁠imperatives.
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    Uma Semântica para os Termos Normativos
    Anatomia Do Crime 1 153-172. 2015.
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    Learning equivalence classes of acyclic models with latent and selection variables from multiple datasets with overlapping variables is discussed. The problem of inferring the presence of latent variables, their relation to the observables, and the relation among themselves, is considered. A different approach for identifying causal structures, one that results in much simpler equivalence classes, is provided. It is found that the computational cost is much higher than the procedure implemented,…Read more
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    Fraqueza da Vontade e Liberdade
    Dissertatio 1 (51): 313-337. 2020.
    Os casos de fraqueza da vontade (incontinência) são tidos como paradoxais. Há, pelo menos, uma tensão entre tais casos e a lei psicológica que relaciona avaliações e volições: se julgamos que fazer x é melhor do que fazer y, então queremos fazer x; porém, por vezes, julgamos que fazer x é melhor do que fazer y e, ainda assim, queremos fazer y em vez de x. Como noutras propostas, defendo que a incompatibilidade é aparente. Porém, não rejeito que haja verdadeiros casos de fraqueza da vontade. Prop…Read more
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    Probabilistic workflow mining
    with Jiji Zhang and James G. Shanshan
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    From Effect to Cause: Deductive Reasoning
    Kairos 22 (1): 109-131. 2019.
    According to the traditional view, the following incompatibility holds true: in reasoning, either there is warrant (certainty) or there is novelty. If there is warrant, there is not novelty: that would be the case of deductive reasoning. If there is novelty, there is not warrant: that would be the case of inductive reasoning. Causal reasoning would belong to the second group because there is novelty and, therefore, there is not warrant in it. I argue that this is false: reasoning may have novelt…Read more
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    El Programa original de David Hilbert y el Problema de la Decibilidad
    Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 37 (1): 1-23. 2017.
    En este artículo realizamos una reconstrucción del Programa original de Hilbert antes del surgimiento de los teoremas limitativos de la tercera década del siglo pasado. Para tal reconstrucción empezaremos por mostrar lo que Torretti llama los primeros titubeos formales de Hilbert, es decir, la defensa por el método axiomático como enfoque fundamentante. Seguidamente, mostraremos como estos titubeos formales se establecen como un verdadero programa de investigación lógico-matemático y como dentro…Read more
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    Uma Perspectiva Axiológica do Fundamento da Normatividade
    Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (39): 97-114. 2012.
    This paper aims to provide an adequate philosophical groundwork to normativity. More specifîcally, the author argues in favor of its axiological nature: from a philosophical point of view, normativity only becomes intelligible if values are taken into account. Therefore values arise as a necessary condition of normativity. Although not sufficient, values are the decisive condition in distinguishing norms from other relations of the same type. The thought of axiologists like Max Scheler and Nicol…Read more
  • Measuring Latent Causal Structure
    In Phyllis McKay Illari Federica Russo (ed.), Causality in the Sciences, Oxford University Press. 2011.
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    The ability to identify the mineral composition of rocks and softs is an important tool for the exploration of geological sites. For instance, NASA intends to design robots that are sufficiently autonomous to perform this task on planetary missions. Spectrometer readings provide one important source of data for identifying sites with minerals of interest. Reflectance spectrometers measure intensities of light reflected from surfaces over a range of wavelengths. Spectral intensity patterns may in…Read more