•  59
    The following books have been received and are available for review. Please contact the Reviews Editor: jim. oshea@ ucd. ie (review)
    with John Abromeit, Mark W. Cobb, Lilian Alweiss, Susan J. Armstrong, Ronald Aronson, Robin Attfield, Gordon Baker, Katherine Morris, and Etienne Balibar
    International Journal of Philosophical Studies 12 (4). 2004.
  •  43
    The Animal Ethics Reader (edited book)
    with Susan Jean Armstrong
    Routledge. 2003.
    The Animal Ethics Reader is an acclaimed anthology containing both classic and contemporary readings, making it ideal for anyone coming to the subject for the first time. It provides a thorough introduction to the central topics, controversies and ethical dilemmas surrounding the treatment of animals, covering a wide range of contemporary issues, such as animal activism, genetic engineering, and environmental ethics. The extracts are arranged thematically under the following clear headings: Theo…Read more
  •  38
    Environmental Ethics: Divergence and Convergence (edited book)
    with Susan Jean Armstrong
    McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages. 1993.
    This anthology, edited by a professor of wild-life science and a professor of philosophy, offers the most current and comprehensive collection on the topic of environmental ethics available today. It surveys diverse approaches to environmental ethics by leading writers from a variety of disciplines, and provides an historical survey of thought on our responsibility to the environment. The perspectives are represented by their most articulate spokespersons and are accompanied by appraisals of the…Read more
  •  37
    The animal ethics reader (edited book)
    with Susan Jean Armstrong
    Routledge. 2008.
    The Animal Ethics Reader is the first comprehensive, state-of-the-art anthology of readings on this substantial area of study and interest. A subject that regularly captures the headlines, the book is designed to appeal to anyone interested in tracing the history of the subject, as well as providing a powerful insight into the debate as it has developed. The recent wealth of material published in this area has not, until now, been collected in one volume. Readings are arranged thematically, care…Read more
  • The Environmental Ethics and Policy Book: Philosophy, Ecology, Economics
    with Donald Vandeveer, Christine Pierce, Susan J. Armstrong, J. Clarke, and Derek Wall
    Environmental Values 3 (3): 280-282. 1994.
  • Environmental Ethics in Society
    Environmental Ethics. forthcoming.
  • The animal ethics reader (edited book)
    with Susan Jean Armstrong
    Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. 2017.
    The Animal Ethics Reader is an acclaimed anthology containing both classic and contemporary readings, making it ideal for anyone coming to the subject for the first time. It provides a thorough introduction to the central topics, controversies and ethical dilemmas surrounding the treatment of animals, covering a wide range of contemporary issues, such as animal activism, genetic engineering, and environmental ethics. The extracts are arranged thematically under the following clear headings: Theo…Read more