McMaster University
Department of Philosophy
PhD, 2019
Stillwater, Oklahoma, United States of America
Areas of Interest
  •  1190
    Opposites and Explanations in Heraclitus
    Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy. forthcoming.
  •  48
    Cosmic Interdependence: Heraclitus on Grounding
    Ancient Philosophy Today 3 (1): 30-53. 2021.
    Are there any metaphysically basic (i.e., absolutely fundamental) entities in the cosmos on which all the other entities in the cosmos depend? If not, how are the various entities in the cosmos related to each other in terms of relative fundamentality? These questions have been of interest since the birth of philosophy. In this paper I argue that, for the early Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, there are no metaphysically basic entities. Rather, 1) the various entities in the cosmos are metaphysica…Read more
  •  51
    Heraclitus on the Nature of Goodness
    Ancient Philosophy 41 (1): 1-22. 2021.
  •  87
    Elements and Opposites in Heraclitus
    Apeiron 51 (4): 427-452. 2018.
    Journal Name: Apeiron Issue: Ahead of print
  •  15
    Phusis, Opposites and Ontological Dependence in Heraclitus
    History of Philosophy Quarterly 35 (3): 199-217. 2018.
    The earliest recorded philosophical use of the term "phusis" occurs in the fragments of Heraclitus (most notably at B1 and B123). Phusis, in the non-philosophical writings relevant to Heraclitus’s time (e.g. from Homer to Aeschylus and Pindar), was generally used to characterize the external physical appearance of something. Heraclitus, on the other hand, seems to have used the term in the completely opposite manner: an object’s phusis is hidden (kruptesthai) and greater (kreissōn) than the exte…Read more