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    The Darwinian Cage
    Theory, Culture and Society 25 (2): 105-125. 2008.
    The jargon of evolutionary psychology has recently migrated from a few minor American universities into the academic mainstream and thence into Sunday supplements and dinner party conversations. It has even formed the backdrop to at least one award-winning novel (McEwan, 1997). Evolutionary psychology and other similar ‘biological’ explanations of human conduct pervade the Zeitgeist and, as Kenan Malik has persuasively argued, they tap into a prevailing mood of cultural pessimism. Evolutionary p…Read more
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    Love as a contested concept
    Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 36 (3). 2006.
    Theorists about love typically downplay the scale of persistent and possibly intractable disagreement about love. Where they have considered such disagreements at all, they have tended to treat them as an example of the lack of clarity surrounding the concept of love, a problem which can be resolved by philosophical analysis. In doing so, they invariably slip into prescriptive mode and offer moral injunctions in the guise of conceptual analyses.This article argues for philosophical modesty. I pr…Read more
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    The Ethics of Human Gene Therapy
    Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (6): 386-387. 1997.
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    My Role and Its Virtues
    Journal of Value Inquiry 50 (4): 683-685. 2016.
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    The Wholehearted Professional
    Journal of Value Inquiry 50 (4): 735-751. 2016.
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    Might there be legal reasons?
    Res Publica 10 (4): 425-447. 2004.
    In this paper, I consider and question an influential position in Anglo-American philosophy of action which suggests that reasons for action must be internal, in other words that statements about reasons for actions must make reference to some fact or set of facts about the agent and her desires. I do so by asking whether legal requirements could be considered as reasons for actions and if in so considering them one must translate statements about legal requirements into statements about the psy…Read more
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    Shame is a ubiquitous and highly intriguing feature of human experience. It can motivate but it can also paralyse. It is something which one can legitimately demand of another, but is not usually experienced as a choice. Perpetrators of atrocities can remain defiantly immune to shame while their victims are racked by it. It would be hard to understand any society or culture without understanding the characteristic occasions upon which shame is expected and where it is mitigated. Yet, one can sur…Read more