1078Gatherings Symposium: Beyond Presence?Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 9 145-174. 2019.peerReviewed.
748Heidegger’s TypewriterGatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 12 39-67. 2022.The discovery of a 1932 typewriter apparently signed by Heidegger raises questions about its authenticity and purpose, and prompts us to reconsider the validity of Heidegger’s portrayal of typewriters as devices that alienate writing from the hand and exemplify the modern oblivion of being.
400Socratic and Cartesian Personae: Undismembering and LiquidationOpen Philosophy 5 (1): 330-339. 2022.The essay investigates two personae: Socrates as depicted by Plato and Descartes as narrator of the Discourse on Method and Meditations. Socrates is aware of his ignorance and insists on remembering to care for the self; Descartes claims to have overcome ignorance through a method that breaks problems into simple and certain elements, establishing a self-certain yet impersonal subject that comprehends and controls objects. The Cartesian approach has led to the modern process of “liquidation” tha…Read more
204Meaning, Excess, and EventGatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 1 26-53. 2011.This paper agrees with Thomas Sheehan that Heidegger inquires into the source of meaning in finite human existence. The paper argues, however, that Sheehan’s paradigm for interpreting Heidegger should be expanded: Heidegger is also concerned with “excess” and “event”. Excess and event are crucial to being and history, as Heidegger understands them.
91Heidegger and the NazisThe Philosophers' Magazine 14 (14): 39-40. 2001.Discussion of Heidegger's politics for a general audience.
84"Plato: Republic," translated with an introduction and notes by Christopher Rowe (review)Teaching Philosophy 36 (4): 431-435. 2013.
79The Task of Philosophy in the Anthropocene: Axial Echoes in Global Space (edited book)Rowman & Littlefield International. 2018.In its early modern form, philosophy gave a decisive impetus to the science and technology that have transformed the planet and brought on the so-called Anthropocene. Can philosophy now help us understand this new age and act within it? The contributors to this volume take a broad historical view as they reflect on the responsibilities and possibilities for philosophy today.
50The Untranslatable Word? Reflections on EreignisJournal of Chinese Philosophy 41 (3-4): 407-425. 2014.According to Heidegger, his key word Ereignis “can no more be translated” than “guiding words” in other languages, such as logos and dao. This essay presents a few reflections on the sense of Ereignis in Heidegger's thought and on the problem of translation. I distinguish three phases in Heidegger's use of the word Ereignis and draw on Paul Ricoeur and John Sallis to establish a view of translation that lies between the extremes of perfect translation and complete untranslatability. I argue that…Read more
43Besinnung. Gesamtausgabe (review)Review of Metaphysics 54 (1): 145-146. 2000.This is the second volume to be published in Division III of Heidegger’s collected works, which is devoted to texts never before presented to the public, either in print or as lectures. The first such was volume 65, Beiträge zur Philosophie —a crucial text from 1936–8 which appeared in 1989. Besinnung dates from 1938–9, and is a sequel of sorts to the Contributions, for it is rooted in the fundamental experience described in that text: we stand at a juncture between “the first beginning” of West…Read more
43Plato’s Republic: A Dialogue in 16 Chapters, by Alain Badiou, translated by Susan SpitzerTeaching Philosophy 37 (1): 122-126. 2014.
42Heidegger: A Critical Introduction, by Peter Trawny, trans. Rodrigo Therezo: Polity, Cambridge and Medford , 2019, viii + 188 PagesPhilosophia 48 (1): 425-430. 2020.Peter Trawny’s Heidegger: A Critical Introduction examines the various phases of the philosopher’s thought, with special attention to questions of politics and antisemitism. This review sums up the book and discusses the relevance of Heidegger today for analytic philosophy, Jewish thought, and political philosophy.
42Book Review: The Religion of the Future, by Roberto Mangabeira Unger (review)Political Theory 43 (5): 695-699. 2015.
41Stuart Elden, speaking against number: Heidegger, language and the politics of calculation (review)Continental Philosophy Review 40 (4): 451-454. 2007.
40The Cambridge Companion to Heidegger (review)Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (3): 725-728. 1995.This collection offers a generous and thought-provoking sample of recent scholarship on Heidegger. Most of the essays take little for granted, and make the effort to sum up the very heart of Heidegger’s project. This makes them suitable for beginners, but by no means restricts them to such an audience: all are rich in detail and contribute to ongoing interpretive controversies, as is typical of the fine Cambridge Companion series. A good number of the essays cast Heidegger’s thought in terms suc…Read more
38The emergency of being: on Heidegger's Contributions to philosophyCornell University Press. 2006.He describes this most private work of Heidegger's philosophy as "a dissonant symphony that imperfectly weaves together its moments into a vast fugue, under the ...
36Heidegger's Being and Time: Critical Essays (edited book)Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2005.Heidegger's Being and Time: Critical Essays provides a variety of recent studies of Heidegger's most important work. Twelve prominent scholars, representing diverse nationalities, generations, and interpretive approaches deal with general methodological and ontological questions, particular issues in Heidegger's text, and the relation between Being and Time and Heidegger's later thought. All of the essays presented in this volume were never before available in an English-language anthology. Two …Read more
36Metaphysical Liberalism in Heidegger's Beiträge Zur PhilosophiePolitical Theory 25 (5): 655-679. 1997.An interpretation and critique of Heidegger's concept of liberalism.
35Propositions on EmergencyPhilosophy Today 59 (4): 587-597. 2015.The article defines being and emergency in terms of sense and what exceeds sense: the sense of being implies an excess over sense; an emergency is a clash between sense and excess. The article then argues deductively that, as entities for whom being is an issue, we depend on greater and lesser emergencies thanks to which entities become accessible. Emergencies reshape the possible, the past, and the present; they call for emergent thinking, or thinking that is itself undergoing an emergency.
34Potentiality, energy and sway: From Aristotelian to modern to postmodern physics?Existentia 11 (1-2): 27-41. 2001.Aristotle’s concept of dynamis (potentiality) is distinct from the modern concept of energy. Both concepts have problematic limitations. We need a third alternative that is here called “sway.”
32German Ideology (review)Review of Metaphysics 49 (3): 648-650. 1996.Louis Dumont is a distinguished and versatile French social anthropologist. His Homo Hierarchicus examined the Indian caste system; in a series of writings under the general title Homo Aequalis, he has investigated modern European ideology, moving deftly through intellectual history from Aquinas to Schiller, from Adam Smith to Thomas Mann. German Ideology forms part of this general project; it comprises a number of essays, some previously published, centering on the distinctive German understand…Read more
31After Heidegger? (edited book)Roman & Littlefield International. 2017.This volume presents a survey of critical appropriations of Heidegger’s thought for the 21st century. It includes all the most well-known and respected Heidegger scholars working today and offers a wide range of perspectives in engaging and accessible essays, altogether representing the most comprehensive overview of Heidegger Studies available.
31Introduction to Metaphysics: Second Edition (edited book)Yale University Press. 2014.This new edition of one of Heidegger’s most important works features a revised and expanded translators’ introduction and an updated translation, as well as the first English versions of Heidegger’s draft of a portion of the text and of his later critique of his own lectures. Other new features include an afterword by Petra Jaeger, editor of the German text. “This revised edition of the translation of Heidegger’s 1935 lectures, with its inclusion of helpful new materials, superbly augments the e…Read more
31Heidegger: An IntroductionRoutledge. 1998._Heidegger_ is a classic introduction to Heidegger's notoriously difficult work. Truly accessible, it combines clarity of exposition with an authoritative handling of the subject-matter. Richard Polt has written a work that will become the standard text for students looking to understand one of the century's greatest minds.
29Time and Trauma: Thinking Through Heidegger in the ThirtiesRowman & Littlefield International. 2019.Richard Polt takes a fresh approach to Heidegger’s thought during his most politicized period, and works toward a philosophical appropriation of his most valuable ideas. Polt shows how central themes of the 1930s—such as inception, emergency, and the question “Who are we?”—grow from seeds planted in Being and Time and are woven into Heidegger’s political thought. Working with recently published texts, including Heidegger’s Black Notebooks, Polt traces the thinker’s engagement and disengagement f…Read more
28The Language of the IrrealJournal of Continental Philosophy 3 (1): 23-50. 2022.“Irrealis” grammatical moods, such as the subjunctive, provoke linguistic, literary, and phenomenological questions. What is the ontological status of the domain revealed by irrealis moods? How does it solicit signification? Is it a mere illusion or a distraction from the real? I propose not only that our ventures into the irreal are indispensable ways of making sense of things, but that the irreal is necessary to the being of language and to our own being.
27Review of Martin Heidegger, Basic Concepts of Aristotelian Philosophy (review)Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2009 (11). 2009.
27Nailing It Down: Haugeland's HeideggerGraduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 34 (2): 457-481. 2013.A survey and critique of John Haugeland's interpretations of being, Dasein, and truth.
Richard Polt
Xavier University (Cincinnati)
Xavier University (Cincinnati)Professor
Areas of Specialization
Martin Heidegger |