•  409
    Philosophical Examinations of the Anthropocene (edited book)
    Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences, v. v. i.. 2023.
  •  165
    Is Ecoturism Environmentally and Socially Acceptable in the Climate, Demographic, and Political Regime of the Anthropocene?
    In João Carlos Ribeiro Cardoso Mendes, Isabel Ponce de Leão, Maria do Carmo Mendes & Rui Paes Mendes (eds.), GREEN MARBLE 2023. Estudos sobre o Antropoceno e Ecocrítica / Studies on the Anthropocene and Ecocriticism, Infast - Institute For Anthropocene Studies. pp. 73-88. 2023.
    Tourism is one of the socio-economic trends that significantly contributes to the shift of the planetary system into the Anthropocene regime. At the same time, it is also a socio-cultural practice characteristic of the imperial mode of living, or consumerism. Thus, it is a form of commodification of nature, also a way of deepening social inequalities between a privileged minority of the global population and an exploited majority providing services to those whose socio-economic status allows the…Read more
  •  2
  •  94
    The book is an attempt to identify the main principles of a new political philosophy corresponding to the parameters of the Anthropocene, i.e. the geological-climatic epoch of the planetary system in which the negative influence of man on planetary cycles and evolutionary processes exceeds the influence of geological forces. Humanity has become the dominant force affecting all components of the planetary ecosystem (biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere) and its activities b…Read more
  •  6
    Current Challenges of Environmental Philosophy (edited book)
    with Eva Dědečková
    BRILL. 2023.
    This book is full of polemical ideas that bring an urgent call for a multifaceted interdisciplinary collaboration in a time of deep environmental, as well as political, economic and cultural crisis.
  •  17
    Ecological Civilization as a Philosophical and Political Concept
    In Richard St’Ahel & Eva Dědečková (eds.), Current Challenges of Environmental Philosophy, Brill. pp. 26-70. 2023.
    The devastation arising from multiple factors originating in the Earth System has reached an unprecedented level in the last decades. So much so, that global, industrial civilization can be declared the cause of the shift of climatic and geological history, on Earth, in the age of Anthropocene. Industrial civilization is therefore threatened by consequences arising from its conditions. If civilization is to endure during the climate regime of Anthropocene it will need to transform into a form th…Read more
  •  10
    This paper is based on the concept of environmental political philosophy and from its perspective, it highlights the weaknesses and contradictions of contemporary, existing democracies. It aims to formulate an outline of the concept of environmental democracy, following the accounts of M. Bookchin, R. Morrison and H. Skolimowski, as well as international environmental law enshrined in United Nations documents and resolutions. It is based on the hypothesis that the preservation of a democratic po…Read more
  • Philosophica 12: Towards a Political Philosophy (edited book)
    with Klement Mitterpach
    UKF. 2013.
  • Philosophica 14: Rendering Change in Philosophy and Society (edited book)
    with Andrea Javorská and Klement Mitterpach
    Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. 2014.
  • Environmental crisis and political revolutions
    In Johann P. Arnasson & Marek Hrubec (eds.), Social Transformations and Revolutions : Reflections and Analyses, Edinburgh University Press. pp. 99-120. 2016.
    Revolutions and follow-up conflicts in nord-african countries in the last few years could be interpreted also as a consequence of overreaching limits of growth. These revolutions could be named as revolutions of limits and they already changed the characters of political and military conflicts. The analysis is based on Habermas´s identification of crises tendencies which could threat the stability and also identity of the political system. According to the types of crises tendencies dominated in…Read more
  •  133
    Environmental Crisis Tendencies of Global Industrial Civilization
    In Andrea Javorská, Klement Mitterpach & Richard Sťahel (eds.), Philosophica 14: Rendering Change in Philosophy and Society, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. pp. 143-166. 2014.
    This paper analyzes the current crisis of the global industrial civilization as a coincidence of external and internal reasons, mainly as a coincidence of economic and environmental crises tendencies. The analysis is based on Habermas´ distinction between four types of social formation, and according to their internal organizational principles and an extent of their social and system integration, also types of crises that can occur in the given type of the social formation. The paper shows that …Read more
  •  167
    In Klement Mitterpach & Richard Sťahel (eds.), Philosophica 12: Towards a Political Philosophy, Ukf. pp. 45-56. 2013.
    Current globalization has its predecessor in the global market of the 19th century. In that time, the main sign of globalization was de socialization of the economy. That globalization ended during World War I as a result of applying the liberal ideology of de socialization to an economy. An attempt to rebuild the global market after World War I led to the global economic crisis (1929 1932), which in Germany allowed Nazis to take over and finally led to World War II. In result of this developmen…Read more
  •  94
    Environmetalism as a Political Philosophy for the Anthropocene
    Anthropocenica. Revista De Estudos Do Antropoceno E Ecocritica 1 (1): 3-22. 2020.
    The political philosophy originates from the reflections of crisis, risks and threats which society faces to. The author understands environmentalism as a tendency of current political philosophy which starts from the reflections of causes and possible effects of global environmental crisis as one of the most serious threats to the existential preconditions of current political system and global civilization at all. Considering the changes in social, technological and environmental starting cond…Read more
  •  122
    Environmental Limits of Personal Freedom
    Philosophica Critica 2 (1). 2016.
    The more the number of people who live on Earth grows, the more significant are the cuts individuals must accept in realization of their own freedom, so as not to limit the freedom of others. With the growing population on the finite planet the real space for freedom of each individual decreases. Moreover, the growth of complexity of the global industrial civilization increases the degree of interdependence on one hand, on the other the degree of mutual trust decreases as a result of the imperat…Read more
  •  123
    Critical examination of possible socio-political Anthropocene consequences leads to the conclusion that the sustainable development concept is not an adequate answer for current threats and risks. An effort to implement the sustainable development concept can even make climate changes and other forms of nature devastation worse, as it turns out on ongoing greenhouse gas concentrations growth in the atmosphere, despite obligations that result to all states of the world from Paris agreement. The c…Read more
  •  88
    The Roots of Slovak Critical Environmentalism
    Pragmatism Today 12 (1): 73-89. 2021.
    This study focuses on the foundations of Slovak critical environmentalism laid by work of Juraj Kučírek, who is also the author of the first ever monograph focused on the philosophical reflection of the causes and possible consequences of the global environmental crisis in Slovakia. Kučírek pointed out the need to combine reflection on subsequent solution of the global environmental crisis with the problems of social inequality and oppression. This unconventional approach in the context of the S…Read more
  •  109
    Sustainable development in the shadow of climate change
    Civitas, Porto Alegre 19 (2): 337-353. 2019.
    Development plans at different levels – from local to global – aspire to eliminate poverty, famine, to make health care accessible, to create better access to education, to improve transportation, employment, and the quality of life, all within next decades. Yet, these plans collide with the reality of climate change, more precisely the Anthropocene, which already creates high-dimensional conflicts. These will only intensify within decades because climate change and other consequences of the env…Read more
  •  126
    Climate Change and Social Conflicts
    Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 15 480-496. 2016.
    This article outlines the role of globalized mass media in the perception of environmental and social threats and its reciprocal conditionality in the globalized society. It examines the reasons why the global environmental crisis will not lead to a world-wide environmental movement for change of the basic imperatives of the world economicpolitical system. Coherency between globalized mass media and wide-spreading of consumer lifestyle exists despite the fact that it deepens the devastation of e…Read more
  •  234
    When we abandon the neoliberal fiction that one is independent on the grounds that it is a-historic and antisocial, we realize that everyone is dependent and interdependent. In a media-driven society the self-identity of the individual is formed within the framework of the culture-ideology of consumerism from early childhood. As a result, both the environmental and social destruction have intensified. In the global era, or in the era of the global environmental crisis, self-identity as a precond…Read more
  •  127
    Some reflections on the concept of economic crisis
    Filozofia 60 (3): 162-169. 2005.
    The paper describes economic crises as a term with different kinds of meanings, a term which undergoes continuous development. The way of understanding this term is intimately connected with the role of state in the sphere of economy. Before the big economic crises nobody expected the state to interfere with the economy. However, after the crises in 1930's till the end of 1970's it was considered as one of the main tasks of the state. The role of state was to prevent the crises or to reduce its …Read more
  •  237
    The aim of this study is to identify the key terms and arguments of J. Lovelock՚s sustainable retreat concept and their analysis with emphasize on the consequences of this concept for political, social and environmental thinking. J. Lovelock points out that considering rapid and complex changes in global environment, marked by the term Anthropocene; we do not have enough time and sources to realize the sustainable development concept. For that reason, it is, according to him, necessary to formul…Read more
  •  163
    Pojem krízy v koncepcii A. Naessa
    Studia Philosophica 62 (2): 33-43. 2015.
    Understanding of the term of crisis significantly influences the main argumentation line of the philosophical conceptions stimulated by the reflection of the crisis. The deep ecology of A. Naess belongs to these philosophical concepts. The term of crisis in his thinking appears in a form of a threat as well as opportunity, necessity to make important decisions. It also has a meaning of historical and political crisis, i.e. situations in which under the pressure the basic imperatives and organiza…Read more
  •  212
    K filozofii ekologickej civilizácie
    Filozofia 75 (10). 2021.
    The article presents the concept of ecological civilization and examines some of its aspects and its philosophical background. It points to the problem of under-standing the concepts of culture and civilization, also in relation to the under-standing of civilization as a further stage in the development of society. The ecological civilization should overcome the contemporary industrial civilization and its devastating effects on society and the environment. In examining the philosophical backgro…Read more
  •  188
    China’s approach to the environmental civilization
    Human Affairs 30 (2): 164-173. 2020.
    This study examines the origins and main aspects of the Chinese concept of ecological civilization. Originally a philosophical concept, it was later developed into a political and constitutional principle and became the basis of several public policies of the Chinese government. The author also draws attention to several contradictions and weaknesses in the concept, which has been seen as a Chinese version of sustainable development and ultimately as a Chinese concept of global civilization.