•  269
    International Systems in World History: Remaking the Study of International Relations
    with Barry Buzan
    Oxford University Press on Demand. 2000.
    'This is an outstandingly good book, which succeeds on many different levels.The book is exceptionally well structured and well written. There is so much in this book for so many types of scholars of International Relations. I am certain that this book will be seen over time not only as one of the most intellectually impressive mergers of theory and history in the field, but also as a massive advance on US-style neo-realism. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, not least because I became fasc…Read more
  •  38
    The Logic of Anarchy: Neorealism to Structural Realism
    with Barry Buzan, Chuck Jones, Charles A. Jones, and Richard Little
    Columbia University Press. 1993.
    -- James Der Derian, University of Massachusetts.