• Should We Biochemically Enhance Sexual Fidelity?
    In Michael Hauskeller & Lewis Coyne (eds.), Moral Enhancement: Critical Perspectives, Cambridge University Press. 2018.
  •  28
    No Love Drugs Today
    Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche. forthcoming.
  •  1707
    Public Reason and Abortion: Was Rawls Right After All?
    The Journal of Ethics 23 (1): 37-53. 2019.
    In ‘Public Reason and Prenatal Moral Status’ (2015), Jeremy Williams argues that the ideal of Rawlsian public reason commits its devotees to the radically permissive view that abortion ought to be available with little or no qualification throughout pregnancy. This is because the only (allegedly) political value that favours protection of the foetus for its own sake—the value of ‘respect for human life’—turns out not to be a political value at all, and so its invocation in support of considerati…Read more
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    Should We Biochemically Enhance Sexual Fidelity?
    Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 83 389-414. 2018.
    In certain corners of the moral enhancement debate, it has been suggested we ought to consider the prospect of supplementing conventional methods of enhancing sexual fidelity (e.g. relationship counselling, moral education, self-betterment, etc.) with biochemical fidelity enhancement methods. In surveying this argument, I begin from the conviction that generally-speaking moral enhancement ought to expectably attenuate (or at least not exacerbate) vulnerability. Assuming conventional methods of e…Read more
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    The Source and Robustness of Duties of Friendship
    International Journal of Philosophical Studies 22 (2): 166-183. 2014.
    Certain relationships generate associative duties that exhibit robustness across change. It seems insufficient for friendship, for example, if I am only disposed to fulfil duties of friendship towards you as things stand here and now. However, robustness is not required across all variations. Were you to become monstrously cruel towards me, we might expect that my duties of friendship towards you would not be robust across that kind of change. The question then is this: is there any principle…Read more