Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
  •  1281
    Where did the universe come from? Is life a result of chance, or design? If God is loving and all-powerful, why does evil still exist? Is religious belief just a byproduct of undirected evolutionary processes? Or did God make sure humans would evolve in such a way as to believe? Are philosophers closed-minded about religion? And why is so much of philosophy of religion about God-but not about gods? Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Religion introduces students to some of the major tradit…Read more
  •  4
    A reference genome for common bean and genome-wide analysis of dual domestications
    with J. Schmutz, P. E. McClean, S. Mamidi, G. A. Wu, S. B. Cannon, J. Grimwood, J. Jenkins, S. Shu, Q. Song, C. Chavarro, M. Torres-Torres, V. Geffroy, S. M. Moghaddam, D. Gao, B. Abernathy, K. Barry, M. Blair, M. A. Brick, M. Chovatia, P. Gepts, D. M. Goodstein, M. Gonzales, U. Hellsten, D. L. Hyten, G. Jia, J. D. Kelly, D. Kudrna, Richard M. M. S., P. N. Miklas, J. M. Osorno, J. Rodrigues, V. Thareau, C. A. Urrea, M. Wang, Y. Yu, M. Zhang, R. A. Wing, P. B. Cregan, D. S. Rokhsar, and S. A. Jackson
    Common bean is the most important grain legume for human consumption and has a role in sustainable agriculture owing to its ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen. We assembled 473 Mb of the 587-Mb genome and genetically anchored 98% of this sequence in 11 chromosome-scale pseudomolecules. We compared the genome for the common bean against the soybean genome to find changes in soybean resulting from polyploidy. Using resequencing of 60 wild individuals and 100 landraces from the genetically differe…Read more
  •  15
    The Voice of Shame: Silence and Connection in Psychotherapy (edited book)
    with Gordon Wheeler
    Gestalt Press. 2015.
    Shame and shame reactions are two of the most delicate and difficult issues of psychotherapy and are among the most likely to defy our usual dynamic, systemic, and behavioral theories. In this groundbreaking new collection, _The Voice of Shame_, thirteen distinguished authors show how use of the Gestalt model of self and relationship can clarify the dynamics of shame and lead us to fresh approaches and methods in this challenging terrain. This model shows how shame issues become pivotal in thera…Read more
  •  119
    The 25th Anniversary of the Journal of Environmental Law offers an opportunity to review the content of the Analysis section of the Journal, charting how it began life with an intention to report cases as well as to offer an analysis of them. The broad coverage of the section over 25 years is explored to allow discussion of the development of environmental law as a discipline over this time. In particular the role of a comment section is considered in an era in which news of legal developments a…Read more