277Like Oil and Water: The Politics of (Not) Assessing Glyphosate Concentrations in Aquatic EcosystemsEuropean Journal of Risk Regulation 3 ( 11): 539-564. 2020.Since the International Agency on Cancer Research’s monograph found glyphosate to be a likely carcinogen, the regulatory focus on the chemical has centred on this determinative criterion for regulatory action. Yet, other pertinent factors, such as the effects of glyphosate on fresh and ground water and ensuing effects on biodiversity, have received less attention as legitimate rationales for regulating the chemical. This underrepresentation prevents a wider policy discussion on the environmental…Read more
22Dimensions of Poverty: Measurement, Epistemic Injustices, Activism (edited book)Springer Nature. 2020.This anthology is an important contribution to the interdisciplinary debate on poverty measurement and alleviation. Absolute and relative poverty—both within and across state boundaries—are standardly measured and evaluated in monetary terms. However, poverty researchers have highlighted the shortfalls of one-dimensional monetary metrics. A new consensus is emerging that effectively addressing poverty requires a nuanced understanding of poverty as a relational phenomenon involving deprivations i…Read more
378Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Poverty Measurement, Epistemic Injustices and Social ActivismIn Valentin Beck, Henning Hahn & Robert Lepenies (eds.), Dimensions of Poverty: Measurement, Epistemic Injustices, Activism, Springer Nature. pp. 1-20. 2020.As we enter the 2020s, global poverty is still a grave and persistent problem. Alleviating and eradicating poverty within and across the world’s societies requires a thorough understanding of its nature and extent. Although economists still standardly measure absolute and relative poverty in monetary terms, a consensus is emerging that poverty is a socially relational problem involving deprivations in multiple dimensions, including health, standard of living, education and political partic…Read more
103The Institutional Consequences of Nudging – Nudges, Politics, and the LawReview of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (3): 427-437. 2015.In this article we argue that a widespread adoption of nudging can alter legal and political institutions. Debates on nudges thus far have largely revolved around a set of philosophical theories that we call individualistic approaches. Our analysis concerns the ways in which adherents of nudging make use of the newest findings in the behavioral sciences for the purposes of policy-making. We emphasize the fact that most nudges proposed so far are not a part of the legal system and are also non-no…Read more
Robert Lepenies
Karlshochschule International University
Karlshochschule International UniversityProfessor