• On the Problem of Human Dignity: A Hermeneutical and Phenomenological Investigation (review)
    International Dialogue: A Multidisciplinary Journal of World Affairs 13 25-30. 2023.
  • European Sources of Human Dignity: A Commented Anthology (review)
    International Dialogue: A Multidisciplinary Journal of World Affairs 13 25-30. 2023.
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    Being Unfolded: Edith Stein on the Meaning of Being (review)
    ID: International Dialogue, A Multidisciplinary Journal of World Affairs 10 62-64. 2022.
    Being Unfolded: Edith Stein on the Meaning of Being, Thomas Gricoski (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2020), pp. xxi + 268, $75.00.
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    The Living Philosophy of Edith Stein (review)
    Review of Metaphysics 77 (1): 164-166. 2023.
    Among contemporary Christian thinkers the figure of Edith Stein looms large, both because of her remarkable life as a Jewish convert and Christian martyr, and because of her uncommon philosophical journey from phenomenology to metaphysics—without leaving phenomenology behind. In The Living Philosophy of the Edith Stein, marshaling resources of psychology, Peter Tyler provides a novel guide through Stein’s life and thought by drawing her into dialogue with Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud, Carl…Read more
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    Edith Stein’s life and thought intersect with many important movements of life and thought in the twentieth century. Through her life and eventual martyrdom, she gave witness to the primacy of truth and faith in the face of political totalitarianism, and in her philosophical works, she contributed to a synthesis of phenomenological thought with the thought of Thomas Aquinas and the living philosophy of Thomism, while also progressively advancing a compelling form of philosophical personalism. As…Read more
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    The Oxford Handbook of the Reception of Aquinas (review)
    Journal of Jesuit Studies 10 (1): 164-6. 2023.
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    Edith Stein’s Conception of Human Unity and Bodily Formation: A Thomistically Informed Understanding
    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 94 (4): 639-663. 2020.
    The problem of human unity lies at the heart of Edith Stein’s investigation of the structure of human nature in her mature works. By examining her resolution of this problem in Der Aufbau der menschlichen Person and Endliches und ewiges Sein, I show how Stein incorporates two foundational teachings of Thomistic anthropology, namely, the substantial unity of the human being and the soul as form of the body, while reinterpreting the meaning of these teachings through performing a fresh phenomenolo…Read more
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    Throughout her entire philosophical corpus Edith Stein shows a concerted effort to reach a comprehensive understanding of the human being as individual. In this paper, I examine the question of how knowledge of the being-individual and qualitative individuality of the human being is attained, as it is found presented by Stein in her most mature philosophical work, Endliches und ewiges Sein. After briefly considering Stein’s understanding of consciousness and intentionality, I detail Stein’s own …Read more
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    The Concept of Christian Philosophy in Edith Stein
    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 94 (2): 323-346. 2020.
    In her mature thought, Edith Stein presents a philosophy that is positively Christian and specifically Catholic. The rationale behind her presentation rests upon three interplaying factors: the nature of philosophy; the nature and state of finite creatures in relation to God; and the meaning of being a Christian. Stein maintains that given the essential imperfection and natural limitation of philosophy as a human science, philosophy lies interiorly open for its elevation and completion through i…Read more
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    This thesis is an investigation of Edith Stein’s later philosophical works with respect to the question of the human person to reveal in what way she engages with the thought of Thomas Aquinas while continuing to practice philosophy according to the phenomenological method of investigation. The investigation is focused primarily upon the confluence of understanding found in two of Stein’s later works, Endliches und ewiges Sein and Der Aufbau der menschlichen Person, with supplementary reference …Read more
  • History of the Concept of Mind (review)
    Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society 15 175-183. 2015.
    Reviewing: History of the Concept of Mind, Volume 1, Paul S. MacDonald (England: Ashgate, 2003). pp. ix + 398, ISBN: 978-0-7546-1365-7, £18.90; History of the Concept of Mind, Volume 2, Paul S. MacDonald (England: Ashgate, 2007). Pp. xvii + 460, ISBN: 978-0-7546-3992-3, £23.40.
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    Essence in Edith Stein‘s Festschrift Dialogue
    In Andreas Speer & Stephan Regh (eds.), Alles Wesentliche lässt sich nicht schreiben, Verlag Herder. pp. 175-94. 2016.
    This paper reviews the concept of ‘essence’ in Edmund Husserl and Thomas Aquinas as found presented by Edith Stein in her Festschrift article, ‘Husserl’s Phenomenology and the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas: Attempt at a Comparison,’ in the Jahrbuch für Philosophie und Phänomenologische Forschung (1929, 370). The aim of the paper is to perform an analysis of Stein’s understanding of the principal similarities and differences in the understandings of essence found in the writings of Husserl and…Read more
  • Human Individuality in Stein’s Mature Works
    In Hanna-Barbara Gerl Falkowitz & Mette Lebech (eds.), Edith Steins Herausforderung heutiger Anthropologie, Beundbe. pp. 124-39. 2017.
    In this paper, I examine the question of human individuality in Stein with a focus on establishing the metaphysical core of Stein’s understanding of the human individual and his individuality as found presented in her later works, principally Der Aufbau der Menschlichen Person and Endliches und ewiges Sein. I follow Stein’s own enquiry by locating her analysis of the human individual in the context of her understanding of individuality in general. From this analysis, we can see that Stein’s matu…Read more