• Nella seconda metà del Novecento la conoscenza dell'etica anglosassone in Italia è stata alquanto parziale. Si pensava che il mondo dell'etica di lingua inglese fosse stato dominato nel Novecento dallo scientismo neopositivista o pragmatista che non riusciva a concepire l'etica se non nella forma tecnicizzata dell'analisi del linguaggio o metaetica. In questo modo si è ignorata tutta una ripresa dell'etica normativa, in particolare di Kant e di Aristotele, o la ripresa del diritto naturale che h…Read more
  • Etica e genetica. Storia, concetti e pratiche (edited book)
    with M. Loi
    Bruno Mondadori. 2012.
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    The desire for health and the promises of medicine
    Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 1 (1): 21-30. 1998.
    The varieties of meaning in which we use the terms illness and health requires that we develope a conceptualization allowing us to maintain a unity between the differences. In fact, the experiences of health and illness are complex ones and they need to be understood in their different levels so that the need for help of patients and their desire for health is adequately faced. At its roots, the experience of illness is that of a threat posed to the unreflective credit given to life in good heal…Read more
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    The distinction between internalism and externalism can be interpreted in different ways, which must be kept clearly distinct. The distinction between internal and external reasons for action, proposed by Bernard Williams , can be interpreted as expressing a form of internalism. If we assume that internalism seems preferable to externalism and Williams’s "internal reason theorist" as an internalist, we have an example of an anti-rationalistic form of internalism. I will suggest that Williams’s a…Read more
  • Etica ed eugenetica
    Etica E Politica 6 (2): 1-7. 2004.
    Recent developments in molecular biology and genetic engineering open the possibility of rethinking the meaning of an eugenic project in contemporary society. Whereas the old eugenic movement aimed at an “improvement of the race” and explicitly adopted coercitive means, eugenetics in a liberal society would be the result of the free and equal access of the public to the genetic technologies available. Buchanan, Brock, Daniels and Wikler suggest in a recent book that access to genetic therapy and…Read more
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    Medicine as a Practice and the Ethics of Illness
    In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka & Evandro Agazzi (eds.), Life interpretation and the sense of illness within the human condition, Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 117--131. 2001.
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    Health as an analogical concept
    Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 20 (5): 475-497. 1995.
    This article examines the normative structure of the concept of health and tries to suggest an account of it in a phenomenological-hermeneutic framework. It is argued that the concept of health has a logical priority to illness, though the latter has an experiential priority. The fundamental feature of the concept of health as discussed in the literature is initially recognized in the notion of ‘norm’, in both the bio-statistical and normative-ideal sense. An analysis of this body of literature …Read more
  • And Lifespan Extension
    In Julian Savulescu, Ruud ter Meulen & Guy Kahane (eds.), Enhancing Human Capacities, Blackwell. pp. 410. 2011.
  •  8
    The desire for health and the promises of medicine
    Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 1 (1): 21-30. 1998.
    The varieties of meaning in which we use the terms illness and health requires that we develope a conceptualization allowing us to maintain a unity between the differences. In fact, the experiences of health and illness are complex ones and they need to be understood in their different levels so that the need for help of patients and their desire for health is adequately faced. At its roots, the experience of illness is that of a threat posed to the unreflective credit given to life in good heal…Read more
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    Kantian Naturalism in Moral Theory
    In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, De Gruyter. pp. 431-902. 2013.
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    Flynn, E.P. 1997, Issues in Medical Ethics
    Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 1 (2): 188-189. 1998.
  • Neuroscience and Metaethics: A Kantian Hypothesis
    Etica E Politica 11 (2): 43-56. 2009.
    The interpretation of experimental data in neuroscientific research concerning moral decisions is controversial. One of the leading experimenters in the field, Joshua Greene, holds that the data show that deontological theories of morality are the expression of a confabulation which tries to give a rational justification for emotional responses. His arguments are criticized on the basis of a different interpretation of deontology. On the other hand, Marc Hauser, John Mikhail and others have prop…Read more
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    Health: A Comprehensive Concept
    with Richard Sobel
    Hastings Center Report 28 (1): 34-37. 1998.
    Health is one of those everyday words that only seems self-evident in its meaning. Physiological measurements alone fail to capture the subjective dimension of health. "Health" is an end and a means--it is a foundation for achievement, a first achievement itself, and a precondition for further achievement.
  • According to the intuitionist picture of moral normativity, prima facie duties are features of the overall nature of an act, which together make them overall right or wrong. W.D. Ross says that prima facie duties are «not a duty», but something which has a special relation to duty. These fea-tures are «apprehended» by way of an intellectual act , which implies that they are the object of a theoretical cognitive act. This image creates serious problems for both the theory of moral normativity and…Read more
  •  12
    Flynn, E.P. 1997, Issues in Medical Ethics
    Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 1 (2): 188-189. 1998.
  • On Morality and Cultural Differences by John Cook
    European Journal of Philosophy 8 (3): 389-392. 2000.
  • I Limiti Del Naturalismo In Etica
    Etica E Politica 9 (2): 194-200. 2007.
    Philippa Foot’s Natural Goodness is a restatement of a naturalistic theory of ethics. It is an interesting book for many reasons, since the author changes her position from a broadly Humean position to a more thoroughly Aristotelian one. Foot criticizes the non-cognitivist stance and various forms of expressivism and utilitarianism. She now declares that there are categorical imperatives, a thesis she used to deny. These imperatives are based on the idea of «patterns of natural normativity» whic…Read more
  • This article tries to point out a source of potential conflict in Charles Taylor’s theoretical perspective. There is an unsolved tension between the historical reconstruction of the genealogy of the modern identity and the theoretical claim that our moral reactions are the basis of an objective assessment of practices. My intention is to analyse this tension at three different levels of discourse: first, Taylor’s position as a liberal non-atomist thinker hinges upon his idea that our moral ident…Read more