...and the greatest of all is LOVE.-St. Paul. So, let's begin!
My life has been an embodiment of my personal philosophy: to follow the Lord by knowing, loving and serving others. As professor, it is my duty to study everyday; as a human person, it is my calling to love and serve others.
My passion for knowledge starts from the existential conviction that it is only in knowing that one is able to love, and in loving that one is able to serve others. Indeed, there are so many things to learn in this world. Thus, I keep on praying to have this increasing thirst for knowledge and the humility to accept my ignorance. This sudden insight drives …
...and the greatest of all is LOVE.-St. Paul. So, let's begin!
My life has been an embodiment of my personal philosophy: to follow the Lord by knowing, loving and serving others. As professor, it is my duty to study everyday; as a human person, it is my calling to love and serve others.
My passion for knowledge starts from the existential conviction that it is only in knowing that one is able to love, and in loving that one is able to serve others. Indeed, there are so many things to learn in this world. Thus, I keep on praying to have this increasing thirst for knowledge and the humility to accept my ignorance. This sudden insight drives me to love knowledge, to study and investigate the principles of things… but no matter how much I tried still I contribute so little to the deposit of knowledge in the greater scheme of things.
My passion for love has an equal intensity with my passion for knowledge. Because of love my life becomes more colorful and daring. In loving, I learn to love humanity and be intimate to my beloved. More so, because of love I experienced the pain of rejection, the joy of acceptance, and the ecstasy of the heavens like what the angels and saints were talking about.
To be honest, there are many occasions also that I failed to study, love and serve....But the calling to follow the Lord is irresistible! I still want to follow the Lord! The nature of this call is like a mysterium, tremendum ac fascinans. A mystery that I want to unfold, but the moment I am closer to it, its reality is so great. I’m afraid...so I move backward but I felt empty within. Why? It’s because the calling is mysteriously fascinating still. So I’m attracted once again to follow the Lord in my own little way....
My passion for knowledge and love brings me to the heavens and be one with the stars above but my passion to serve others, the poor, the needy, those who are in pain pulls me back to the earth where I should dwell....this is my life! I find it worth living! And, if given the chance to live again then, I’ll choose to live this way of life again.