•  3
    Monade, dyade, triade: des approches de la réalité (edited book)
    Presses Universitaires de Namur. 2013.
  •  13
    Darwin. A Pedagogical Principle in Science and Religion
    Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 66 (4). 2010.
    There is no doubt that the publication of Origin of Species began a new era in thinking about the origins of mankind. The book found a readership that had been waiting for it for some time and many had already developed their own ideas on the subject. In Darwin's book, many readers recognized their own ideas, or their fears, even if they did not always grasp the onginality of Darwin's proposals. Origin of Species came out amidst a certain fever, provoked by Wallace's letter. The rushed synthesis…Read more
  • Life as quale
    Pensamiento 67 (254): 805-816. 2011.