• Théorie de la vertu et avortement
    RÉPHA, revue étudiante de philosophie analytique 1-16. 2012.
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    Foot, Philippa
    In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Ethics, Blackwell. 2013.
    Philippa Foot (1920–2010) is widely regarded as one of the foremost Anglo-American moral philosophers of the twentieth century. Her published work, spanning 50 years, consisted entirely of essays until its culmination in her only monograph, Natural Goodness (2001). Although her work forms, by and large, a coherent whole, subsets of the essays relate to different areas of ethics, in each of which she made a substantial contribution. In applied ethics, most of the essays are on abortion (1967, 197…Read more
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    The proponents of neo-Aristotelian ethical naturalism (henceforth “Aristotelian naturalism” for short) include Foot (2001), Geach (1956, 1977), Hursthouse (1999), McDowell (1995), MacIntyre (1999), Nussbaum (1993, 1995), and Thompson (1995); and also Anscombe because her work has influenced so many others. (Gaut [1997, 2002] should also be known as a significant contributor.) Their views are so unlike those of other proponents of ethical naturalism (see Naturalism, Ethical), and they occupy such…Read more
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    Moral Status
    In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Ethics, Blackwell. 2013.
    The concept of moral status has developed from three initially independent philosophical discussions that became prominent in the 1970s. It figured in the three in rather different ways, which explains why the current concept has some of the vagaries that it has.
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    Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 20 33. 1986.
    Aristotle (384–322 BC) was born in Stagira, Macedonia. He went to Athens and entered Plato's Academy when he was eighteen. He remained there until Plato's death in about 347 BC, when he left Athens to spend the next five years at Assos in Asia Minor and at Mytilene on the island of Lesbos, working on philosophy and biology. In 343 he was invited to return to Macedonia to tutor the son of Philip II of Macedonia, the future Alexander the Great. This lasted three or four years. After a further peri…Read more
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    Emotional Reason: Deliberation, Motivation and the Nature of Value (review)
    Mind 111 (442): 418-422. 2002.
    This book has an ambitious aim—to make convincing the rejection of the hard and fast cognitive–conative divide currently so prevalent in philosophy of mind and moral psychology. Only such a rejection, Helm believes, can solve—or dissolve—the two major problems of practical reason. The ‘motivational problem’ is ‘a puzzle about the connection between our choosing something as the outcome of deliberation and our being motivated to pursue it’ (p. 1); the ‘deliberative problem’ concerns ‘how delibera…Read more
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    Philippa Ruth Foot (Bosanquet, 1939)
    Somerville College Report 1011 81-83. 2011.
    Very soon after Philippa Foot’s death, there was a flood of newspaper obituaries and ‘posts’ on blogs referring to her as one of the greatest moral philosophers of the twentieth century. She was also, though very few of the writers were in a position to say so, a particularly loyal Somervillian. She read PPE at Somerville during the war, started teaching there after war work in London in 1947, became its first Philosophy Tutorial Fellow in 1949, Vice Principal in 1967, and, although she resigned…Read more
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    Foot, Philippa Ruth, 1920-2010
    Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the British Academy Xi. 2012.
    PHILIPPA RUTH FOOT was born on 3 October 1920, the second daughter of William Bosanquet, who had done mathematics at Cambridge and became the manager of a steelworks in Yorkshire, and Esther Cleveland, daughter of President Grover Cleveland. She was educated mainly at home in the country by governesses, and not well. She said, many years later, that, ‘unsurprisingly’, she had been left ‘extremely ignorant’, and when the last one, ‘who actually had a degree’, suggested to her that she should go t…Read more
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    Virtuous Action
    In Timothy O'Connor & Constantine Sandis (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Action, Wiley-blackwell. 2010.
    This chapter contains sections titled: References Further reading.
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    Virtue Theory and Abortion
    In Daniel Statman (ed.), Virtue Ethics: A Critical Reader, Edinburgh University Press. pp. 227-244. 1997.
    The sort of ethical theory derived from Aristotle, variously described as virtue ethics, virtue-based ethics, or neo-Aristotelianism, is becoming better known, and is now quite widely recognized as at least a possible rival to deontological and utilitarian theories. With recognition has come criticism, of varying quality. In this article I shall discuss nine separate criticisms that I have frequently encountered, most of which seem to me to betray an inadequate grasp either of the structure of v…Read more
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    Virtue Ethics and the Emotions
    In Daniel Statman (ed.), Virtue Ethics: A Critical Reader, Edinburgh University Press. pp. 99-117. 1997.
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    Environmental Virtue Ethics
    In Rebecca L. Walker & Philip J. Ivanhoe (eds.), Working Virtue: Virtue Ethics and Contemporary Moral Problems, Oxford University Press Uk. 2006.
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    The Grammar of Goodness in Foot’s Ethical Naturalism
    In John Hacker-Wright (ed.), Philippa Foot on Goodness and Virtue, Springer Verlag. pp. 25-46. 2018.
    This essay treats the development of Foot’s efforts to produce a naturalistic theory of moral judgement from her early “Moral Beliefs” to her 2001 book Natural Goodness. Although she consistently attempts to isolate and defend a notion of goodness that is grounded in goodness in living things, she is not attempting to get ethics out of biology, especially not evolutionary biology: “species/life-form” in her and Thompson is the everyday concept not the specialised evolutionary theory one. She is …Read more
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    Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics
    Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 20 35-53. 1986.
    Our understanding of the moral philosophy of Aristotle is hampered by a number of modern assumptions we make about the subject. For a start, we are accustomed to thinking about ethics or moral philosophy as being concerned with theoretical questions about actions—what makes an action right or wrong? Modern moral philosophy gives two different sorts of answers to this question. One is in terms of a substantial ethical theory—what makes an action right or wrong is whether it promotes the greatest …Read more
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    Virtue Theory and Abortion
    In Roger Crisp & Michael Slote (eds.), Virtue Ethics, Oxford University Press. 1997.
    The sort of ethical theory derived from Aristotle, variously described as virtue ethics, virtue-based ethics, or neo-Aristotelianism, is becoming better known, and is now quite widely recognized as at least a possible rival to deontological and utilitarian theories. With recognition has come criticism, of varying quality. In this article I shall discuss nine separate criticisms that I have frequently encountered, most of which seem to me to betray an inadequate grasp either of the structure of v…Read more
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    Virtue Ethics
    Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2022.
    Virtue ethics is currently one of three major approaches in normative ethics. It may, initially, be identified as the one that emphasizes the virtues, or moral character, in contrast to the approach that emphasizes duties or rules (deontology) or that emphasizes the consequences of actions (consequentialism). Suppose it is obvious that someone in need should be helped. A utilitarian will point to the fact that the consequences of doing so will maximize well-being, a deontologist to the fact that…Read more
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    Excessivness and Our Natural Development
    Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 171-196. 2012.
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    Practical wisdom: A mundane account
    Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 106 (3). 2006.
    The prevailing accounts of Aristotle's view of practical wisdom pay little attention to all the intellectual capacities discussed in Nicomachean Ethics Book 6. They also contrast the phronimos with the wicked, the continent or the incontinent, rather than with those who have 'natural virtue' (innate or habituated), and thereby they neglect the importance of experience, through which those capacities are acquired. When we consider them, we can see what sort of experience is needed and hence what …Read more
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    IV*—A False Doctrine of the Mean
    Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 81 (1): 57-72. 1981.
    Rosalind Hursthouse; IV*—A False Doctrine of the Mean, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 81, Issue 1, 1 June 1981, Pages 57–72, https://doi.org/10.
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    This introductory textbook is ideally suited to newcomers to philosophy and ethical problems. Rosalind Hursthouse carefully introduces the three standard approaches in current ethical theory: utilitarianism, rights, and virtue ethics. She links each chapter to readings from key exponents such as Peter Singer and Mary Midgley and asks students to think critically about these readings for themselves. Key features include clear activities and activities, chapter summaries and guides to further read…Read more
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    Plato on Commensurability and Desire
    Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 58 (1). 1984.
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    The Logic of Decision and Action (review)
    Philosophical Books 10 (1): 24-26. 1969.
    The bulk of this book is made up of four substantial papers, originally presented at a conference in 1966, followed by comments from fellow-symposiasts. Three of the papers are formal and/or technical; the fourth is an excellent piece of analysis by Donald Davidson followed by illuminating remarks from the late E. J. Lemmon.
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    On Virtue Ethics
    Oxford University Press. 1999.
    Virtue ethics is perhaps the most important development within late twentieth-century moral philosophy. Rosalind Hursthouse, who has made notable contributions to this development, here presents a full exposition and defense of her neo-Aristotelian version of virtue ethics. She shows how virtue ethics can provide guidance for action, illuminate moral dilemmas, and bring out the moral significance of the emotions
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    Human Nature and Aristotelian Virtue Ethics
    Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 70 169-188. 2012.
    Given that it relies on claims about human nature, has Aristotelian virtue ethics been undermined by evolutionary biology? There are at least four objections which are offered in support of the claim that this is so, and I argue that they all fail. The first two maintain that contemporary AVE relies on a concept of human nature which evolutionary biology has undercut and I show this is not so. In Part 2, I try to make it clear that Foot's Aristotelian ethical naturalism, often construed as purpo…Read more