• The text explores interrelations between feminism and deconstruction for purposes of literary critique. The main theoretical sources are Alice Jardine and Jacques Derrida, whose views of ‘gynesis’ and ‘deconstruction’, respectively, are taken as complementary. The views in question are discussed first in order to assemble a joint critical perspective that brings forward their relevant conceptual intersections. Jardine’s concept of gynesis is seen as a more specific form of deconstruction carried…Read more
  • Philosophy as Competence and Art of Self-creation: Bringing Habermas and Foucault Together
    Global Conversations: An International Journal in Contemporary Philosophy and Culture 3 (No. 1): 81-95. 2020.
    In the perspective of the notion of modernity advanced by Jürgen Habermas, the dynamics of our contemporary world can be identified along the terms of expert knowledge, critical thought, and practical application. While a high-quality expertise is necessary for the solution of any challenging particular problem, an additional type of knowledge associated with critical thinking is indispensable for its adequate application in practice. In line with Habermas’ view of the role of philosophy in mode…Read more
  • Between Ethics and Politics: An Essay on Levinas’ Philosophy of Justice
    Sofia Philosophical Review 4 (No. 2): 83-110. 2011.
    This article discusses the non-foundational character of Lévinas’ concept of justice and its significance for the entire set of relations issuing from the ethical in all forms of discourse, culture, and politics. It is assembled along the observation that while in Lévinas’ philosophy justice serves to reinstate and legitimize these relations within the ethical proximity of the other, it remains all the same transposed within them without a fixed place. This lack of a fixed position for justice, …Read more
  • Thinking and Philosophizing as the Journey of Waying and Homecoming: Heidegger, Lao-tse, and Herodotus
    Global Conversations: An International Journal in Contemporary Philosophy and Culture 2 (No. 1): 20-42. 2019.
    Heidegger’s metaphorics of ‘way’ (Weg) and ‘home’ (Heim, House) offers a perspective for understanding both the epistemic and existential aspects of all thinking and philosophizing. His senses of ‘way’ (Weg), ‘waying’ (wëgen, Bewëgung), and ‘woodpaths’ (Holzwege) point to the epistemic character of thinking, whereas the ones of the ‘uncanny’ (Unheimlichkeit), ‘homelessness’ (Heimatlosigkeit), and ‘homecoming’ (Heimkehr) – to its existential motivation. Way as pathway and method, waying as cleari…Read more
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    Global Conversation on the Spot: What Lao-tse, Heidegger, and Rorty Have in Common
    Global Conversations: An International Journal in Contemporary Philosophy and Culture 1 (No.1 (2018)): 11-38. 2018.
    I explore the supposition that any form of philosophical and cultural difference involves an interplay of both global and local significations, or a peculiar kind of global conversation. I maintain that the recurrence of the global into the local and vice versa is not accidental, as it makes for a much sought difference of significance both in the life of the single individual and in a variety of cultural and practical senses. I explore specifically its philosophical sense within the thought of …Read more
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    Philosophy and the Transition from Theory to Practice: A Response to Recent Concerns for Critical Thinking
    Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2009 (148): 86-110. 2009.
    A recent New York Times article1 has focused attention on Charles Miller's Commission on the Future of Higher Education and its interest in addressing the quality of student learning and its adequacy to the demands of practice. The commission has initiated a debate on the possibility of using “standardized testing” in universities and colleges in order “to prove that students are learning and to allow easier comparisons on quality.”2 Miller is quoted as saying, on the one hand, that “what is cle…Read more