with Gladys Portuondo and Helmut Wautischer
    Estudios Sobre la Filosofía de Karl Jaspers 12 (1): 1-5. 2018.
    Las traducciones al inglés de la obra de Karl Jaspers no han sido hasta el momento uniformes en su elección de la terminología técnica. Esta interpretación especializada de la Introducción de Jaspers a su obra seminal "The Great Philosophers" ("Los Grandes Filósofos", nota de la traductora) se mantiene fiel al texto original en alemán tanto como es posible, protegiendo sus expresiones idiomáticas culturales, la estructura compleja de la oración y los matices particulares, con la condición de qu…Read more
  •  8
    Translating Karl Jaspers on Greatness
    with Helmut Wautischer
    Existenz 12 (1): 1-5. 2017.
    Translations of Karl Jaspers' work into the English language have so far not been uniform in their choice of technical terminology. This scholarly renditionof Jaspers' ´Introduction´ to his seminal work "The Great Philosophers" stays to theoriginal German text as true possible by upholding its idiomatic cultural expressions, complex sentence structure, and nuanced particularities provided that clarity of communication can be maintained. The substantive contents and the significance of this text,…Read more
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    The aim of this essay is to review Friedrich Nietzsche's "The Gay Science" in English Translation. It compares and contrasts the translations by Thomas Common, Walter Kaufmann, Josefine Nauckhoff, and R. Kevin Hill. First, I argue in favor of translating the work's title "Die Fröhliche Wissenschaft" as "The Gay Science" or perhaps more precisely as "The Gay Knowledge". Nietzsche who is likely the greatest stylist in the German language wrote with philological precision and succinctness. This exa…Read more
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    Nietzsche’s Anti-Darwinism. By Dirk R. Johnson (review)
    The European Legacy 19 (1): 99-100. 2014.
    Nietzsche’s Anti-Darwinism. By Dirk R. Johnson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010) In this substantial and incisive monograph, Dirk R. Johnson traces in minute detail Nietzsche’s stance towards Darwin at the various stages of his intellectually productive life. Johnson’s book is in two principal parts: Part 1 is on Nietzsche’s early Darwinism, which turned into anti-Darwinism, and Part 2 is a close reading of all three essays of Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morals in their historical conte…Read more
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    On Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Ideal of Natural Education
    Dialogue and Universalism 27 (1): 189-198. 2017.
    The aim of this contribution is to critically explore the understanding, the goals and the meaning of education in the philosophy of education by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. In his educational novel Emile: or On Education [Emile ou De l’éducation] (1762) he depicts his account of the natural education. Rousseau argues that all humans share one and the same development process which is independent of their social background. He regards education as an active process of perfection which is curiosity-dr…Read more
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    On Nietzsche’s Concept of ‘European Nihilism’
    European Review 22 (2): 196-208. 2014.
    In Nietzsche, ‘European nihilism’ has at its core valuelessness, meaninglessness and senselessness. This article argues that Nietzsche is not replacing God with the nothing, but rather that he regards ‘European nihilism’ as an ‘in-between state’ that is necessary for getting beyond Christian morality. An important characteristic of a Nietzschean philosopher is his ‘will to responsibility’. One of his responsibilities consists of the creation of the values and the concepts that are needed in orde…Read more
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    Michèle Le Dœuff considers the relationship between Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir as a paradigmatic case of what she calls an "erotico-theoretical transference" relationship: De Beauvoir devoted herself to Sartre theoretically by adopting his existentialist perspective for the analysis of reality in general and the analysis of women's oppression in particular. The latter is especially strange since Sartre used strongly sexist metaphors and adopted a macho attitude towards women. In her…Read more