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    Ekonomi Ekologis Paus Fransiskus
    with Martin Harun
    Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 19 (1): 124-140. 2023.
    This article outlines, first, Pope Francis’ economic vision which is both practical and radical. His views are practical in the sense that they are sensitive to social realities, not theoretical abstractions; and radical in the sense that it rejects traditional economic ideologies. Pope Francis advocates for economic practices that are oriented toward human goals: the common good, human dignity, equality and opportunity for all, meaningful work, ecological responsibility and solidarity. Second, …Read more
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    Journal of Social Philosophy, Volume 53, Issue 2, Page 202-220, Summer 2022.
  • Modesty and the Egalitarian Ethos
    In Noell Birondo & S. Stewart Braun (eds.), Virtue’s Reasons: New Essays on Virtue, Character, and Reasons, Routledge. pp. 168-188. 2017.
  • This article explains how Pope Francis’s economic views are both radical and practical. His views are practical in the sense that they are sensitive to social realities, not theoretical abstractions; and they are radical in the sense that they undermine traditional economic ideologies. To demonstrate these points, I show how Francis’s pronouncements are consistent with “economic democracy.” In economic democracy efforts are made to create a more equal dispersal of capital assets and the economy …Read more
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    Virtues and reasons are two of the most fruitful and important concepts in contemporary moral philosophy. Many writers have commented upon the close connection between virtues and reasons, but no one has done full justice to the complexity of this connection. It is generally recognized that the virtues not only depend upon reasons, but also sometimes provide them. The essays in this volume shed light on precisely how virtues and reasons are related to each other and what can be learned by explor…Read more
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    Introduction: Virtue's Reasons
    In Noell Birondo & S. Stewart Braun (eds.), Virtue’s Reasons: New Essays on Virtue, Character, and Reasons, Routledge. pp. 1-7. 2017.
    Over the past thirty years or so, virtues and reasons have emerged as two of the most fruitful and important concepts in contemporary moral philosophy. Virtue theory and moral psychology, for instance, are currently two burgeoning areas of philosophical investigation that involve different, but clearly related, focuses on individual agents’ responsiveness to reasons. The virtues themselves are major components of current ethical theories whose approaches to substantive or normative issues remain…Read more
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    Liberty, Political Rights and Wealth Transfer Taxation
    Journal of Applied Philosophy 33 (4): 379-395. 2015.
    Libertarians famously contend that the minimal state is the most just social arrangement because it secures individual freedoms and basic political rights. They also oppose wealth transfer taxation, i.e. taxation of inheritances, bequests, and inter vivos gifts, arguing that it violates people's right to use their wealth freely. However, as I argue, libertarian opposition to wealth transfer taxation causes practical problems for their commitment to a minimal state, as there is strong empirical e…Read more
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    Rescuing Indigenous Land Ownership: Revising Locke's Account of Original Appropriation through Cultivation
    Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 61 (139): 68-89. 2014.
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    Entitlement theorists claim that bequest is a moral right. The aim of this essay is to determine whether entitlement theorists can, on their own grounds, consistently defend that claim. I argue that even if there is a moral right to self-appropriated property and to engage in inter vivos transfers, it is a mistake to contend that there exists an equivalent moral right to make a bequest. Taxing or regulating bequest does not violate an individual’s moral rights because, regardless of whether bequ…Read more