I have published over 300 criminal law articles and law book reviews which are in WESTLAW Legal Database. I have published fourteen compliance law student law books and numerous articles and papers on serious corporate fraud law, my main topic of research. My work experience has been in Chartered Accountancy and then legal research specifically in business complance law.
My work also features in CURRENT LAW STATUTES ANNOTATED by Sweet & Maxwell Publishers in which I annotated the UK 2006 Fraud Act; the UK 2006 International Transparency Act; the UK 2009 Policing & Crime Act; the UK 2009 Local Democracy etc Act; the UK 2010 Bribery Act; and t…
I have published over 300 criminal law articles and law book reviews which are in WESTLAW Legal Database. I have published fourteen compliance law student law books and numerous articles and papers on serious corporate fraud law, my main topic of research. My work experience has been in Chartered Accountancy and then legal research specifically in business complance law.
My work also features in CURRENT LAW STATUTES ANNOTATED by Sweet & Maxwell Publishers in which I annotated the UK 2006 Fraud Act; the UK 2006 International Transparency Act; the UK 2009 Policing & Crime Act; the UK 2009 Local Democracy etc Act; the UK 2010 Bribery Act; and the UK 2010 Crime and Security Act. These are in the Annual volumes of the 2006, 2009 and 2010 CLSA, Sweet& Maxwell publised Volumes and in UK Police Library. I was the sole EDITOR of the Criminal LAWYER ISSN 2049-8047 from 2008 June to 2019 March, for Tottel Publishers who bought the series and more from Butterworths in December 2002 (I was a CL author from 2002 December to 2008 June after which time I became Editor of he Criminal LAWYER series- then for Bloomsbury Professional who bought Tottel Publishing in 2008. I tookover CriminalLAWYER as most of the writings in the CL to 2019 were my own writngs and it continues to date-free to the public. My website is presently down for major reconstruction. My paper in Criminal Law News series ISSN 1785-2041 for qtr. to March 2024 is the Human rights paper I am attempting to place on PhilPapers at present. My forthcoming paper on Cryptocorrency will be placed here shortly from Current Criminal Law Series ISSN 1758-8405, Volume 16, Issue 3, Quarter ended March 2024. I am an honorary member of BAWP; member of ABA, Criminal Jusice section, Fellow (retired of IFA and IPA) -and past volunteer in several charitable organisations. I was made severely disabled after childbirth when I lost my hip and right thigh due to septicaema in a hospital in Tyne & Wear, England, UK, after which I took up management studies and business law research. I work from my bed nowadays as books are so heavy, though I love to thumb through books rather than on the computer.