• Review of Sandra J. Godde Reaching for Immortality: Can science cheat death? (review)
    Science and Christian Belief 35 (2): 195-196. 2023.
    A review of Sandra J. Godde "Reaching for Immortality: Can science cheat death?"
  • It has been over a century since the boom period of physics exploded with Albert Einstein, Max Planck and others, sending us spinning into a new world of chaos from our previously ordered universe. This brilliant generation of physicists ultimately peeled back the layers of the universe, as well as of the atom, to reveal a world stranger than fiction. Ever since those earliest days of quantum mechanics, the theory ruling the microworld of atoms and particles, the holy grail of physics has been f…Read more
  • An advanced algorithm that has been developed by Google DeepMind has gone some way to cracking one of the biggest unsolved mysteries in biology. AlphaFold aims to predict the 3D structures of proteins from the “instruction code” in their building blocks. The latest upgrade has recently been released.