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    Image et sens dans l'herméneutique et la philosophie de l'art de Paul Ricoeur
    Dissertation, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. 2020.
    Ricoeur’s philosophical project can be broadly termed as a philosophical anthropology. Within this context, a main role is given to the issue of imagination through the resources of phenomenology, hermeneutics, and reflexive philosophy. The issue of picture, however, remains quite unknown and has not been much questioned; it might even be undermined by being reduced to the context of reproductive imagination as opposed to that of productive imagination within Ricoeur’s anthropology, and due to t…Read more
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    Une philosophie ricoeurienne de l’image
    Studia Phaenomenologica 23 245-267. 2023.
    While inheriting from Husserl’s phenomenology, Ricoeur aims at determining a philosophical anthropology. Imagination can then be thought as what makes possible a mediation dealing with the disproportion between sensibility and understanding; it can be seen as one of the guiding threads of Ricoeur’s anthropology before becoming a theme or a field of analysis. But if this philosophy of imagination encompasses the issue of image, to the point of making these two terms mostly interchangeable, it too…Read more
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    Mondes du film, esthétique et herméneutique. Daniel Yacavone, Film Worlds: A Philosophical Aesthetics of Cinema (review)
    Cinémas Revue d'Études Cinématographiques Journal of Film Studies 27 (1): 147-156. 2016.
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    Herméneutique et horizon anthropologique de la phénoménologie dans la philosophie ricœurienne
    Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 14 (1): 78-112. 2023.
    L’expression de « greffe de l’herméneutique sur la phénoménologie » utilisée par Ricœur a souvent été reprise pour caractériser la phénoménologie herméneutique ricœurienne ou aborder ces champs de la phénoménologie et de l’herméneutique à partir de l’exemple ricœurien. Or, on peut penser que cette expression a été mal comprise et, partant, a pu conduire à divers malentendus concernant l’approche ricœurienne dans son rapport à la phénoménologie et l’herméneutique. Si le terme de greffe induit et …Read more
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    Johann Michel’s Homo Interpretans aims at giving an account of the common ground to the question of interpretation, in a general sense covering ordinary as well as scholarly practices and conceptions, and to the question of philosophical anthropology. Important aspects of Ricoeur’s philosophy are also discussed throughout the book. The author’s thesis is that interpretation takes place whenever an understanding of the world is missing, be it on an ordinary way or in a more elaborate relationship…Read more
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    Être, temps, et récit. Ricœur après et contre Heidegger
    Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 11 (2): 28-52. 2021.
    The article draws a parallel between Ricœur’s critique of Heidegger’s conception of temporality and the demand for a more general critique of Heidegger’s philosophy. If Ricœur denied a proximity between Being and Time and Time and Narrative, he placed himself within a philosophical vein that addresses Heidegger’s first philosophy. But our knowledge of Heidegger’s Complete Works, including the “Black Notebooks,” requires integrating criticism of links between Heidegger and national-socialist ideo…Read more
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    L’objectif de cet article est de revenir sur le concept de lecture dans _Temps et récit _de Paul Ricœur, à travers les notions de triple mimèsis et de refiguration, en lien avec un cheminement antérieur concernant la question de l’herméneutique et la tradition phénoménologique. Tout en étant tributaire des développements en herméneutique philosophique depuis Gadamer, la lecture, chez Ricœur, fonctionnerait comme un paradigme permettant de relier les plans de l’interprétation et de la réception c…Read more
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    La philosophie ricœurienne de l’esthétique entre poétique et éthique
    Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 7 (2): 43-73. 2016.
    Ricœur’s philosophy never locates itself directly in the field of philosophical aesthetics inasmuch as philosophical aesthetics never arises as a field of major questioning and discursive development for Ricœur’s philosophy or as a field that would guide that philosophy. However, Ricœur maintains an ongoing but complex connection with aesthetics throughout his philosophical work. Here we defend the thesis that there are difficulties relating both to the complexity of Ricœur’s philosophy and to t…Read more
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    Presentation of "Architecture and Narrativity"
    with Yvon Inizan
    Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 7 (2): 17-19. 2016.
    Presentation of the Ricoeur's text "Architecture and Narrativity, published in that issue"
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    with Yvon Inizan
    Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 7 (2): 8-13. 2016.
    Introduction to Etudes Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies, vol. 7, no. 2
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    with Yvon Inizan
    Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 7 (2): 1-7. 2016.
    Introduction to Etudes Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies, vol. 7, no. 2
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    Langage, imagination, et référence. Ricœur lecteur de Wittgenstein et Goodman
    Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 5 (1): 49-66. 2014.
    Ricoeur’s reading of analytic philosophy is part of a philosophical plan that focuses on deepening his inquiry into various thematics, some theoretical in nature, others concerned with the history of philosophy. On the theoretical plane, Ricoeur’s interest in the analytic tradition is rooted in the problem of the relationship between language and the world; as regards the history of philosophy, he is interested in the shift from a transcendental philosophy to a contemporary philosophy that is co…Read more
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    Présentation d'"Architecture et Narrativité"
    with Yvon Inizan
    Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 7 (2): 14-16. 2016.
    Presentation of the Ricoeur's text “Architecture et narrativité,” published in that issue
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    Cinéma et imaginaire social en venant de Ricœur
    Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 5 (2): 81-104. 2014.
    Résumé Le cinéma peut être considéré comme un exemple particulièrement pertinent et instructif d’un discours et d’une pratique rapportables à chacun des trois grands domaines de l’imagination selon Ricœur – discours, articulation entre un niveau théorique et un niveau pratique, et imaginaire social. Tout en ayant pour objectif de se concentrer sur ce dernier niveau, une approche plus complète des notions de récit filmique et d’imaginaire social en venant de Ricœur requiert de traverser de nouvea…Read more