•  339
    Hume on Miracles and UFOs
    Prolegomena: Journal of Philosophy 22 (1): 67-87. 2023.
    A miracle is defined as a violation of or intercession in the laws of nature. Some recent reports of UFO phenomena are such that UFOs may satisfy that definition. In this paper, we ask how Hume’s famous argument in “Of Miracles” relates to UFOs. We argue that his critique fails and that some well corroborated UFO reports are such that they justify a belief in miracles (qua violations of laws of nature).
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    Secularism, Reformed Epistemology, and Liturgy: Considering the Liturgy Role in Secular Society
    with Albertus Harsawibawa
    Societas Dei: Jurnal Agama Dan Masyarakat 9 (1): 5-28. 2022.
    Secularism is a condition of the times when we live in today. It gives awareness to the global community that in reality there is only the immanent—there is no God. So, theism is seen as just one of the many available options: atheism becomes even more attractive to embrace. Generally, a theist will respond by demonstrating the theism plausibility through positive arguments about the existence of God. The author rejects this and offers an approach from Reformed epistemology on the problem, as it…Read more