Boston College
Department of Philosophy
PhD, 2016
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, United States of America
  •  8
    Rancière and Marcel on the Problem of the Spectator
    Marcel Studies 6 (1): 22-32. 2021.
    The human being in the receptive position before a work of art or spectacle of some sort—the “spectator”—is a perennial subject of philosophical concern. The aesthetic and ethical issues surrounding this subject have recently been elucidated by the French theorist, Jacques Rancière, in his essay, “The Emancipated Spectator.” This paper analyzes Rancière’s formulation of the main philosophical problem regarding the spectator, as well as his own tentative solution to it. Rancière’s thought is then…Read more
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    The Ion and Creativity
    Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (2): 323-338. 2021.
    Readings of Plato’s Ion are usually guided by one of two broad assumptions about the nature of the text. The Romantic school sees the dialogue as making explicit the idea of Genius, and of the artist as a privileged seer of hidden truths. The Rationalist tendency sees the dialogue as a Socratic attack on poetry, of a piece with other dialogues—most notably, the Republic—that also critique the art. In this paper, I claim that applying a phenomenological method to the dialogue uncovers a way beyon…Read more
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    Colloquium 4 Commentary on Garrocho
    Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 35 (1): 121-129. 2020.
    This commentary examines Diego Garrocho’s paper, “Mythological Sources of Memory and Oblivion.” I argue that Garrocho’s thesis hinges on the assumption that two historical continuities exist between myth and philosophy. First, it supposes a continuity of understanding: between the mythical conception of memory and oblivion, and the philosophical reformulation of the same, there lies no essential difference; both the mythical and philosophical traditions share a univocal, or at least analogical, …Read more
  • Book Review: Hope Without Optimism (review)
    Marcel Studies 3 (1): 40-42. 2018.
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    Effect of Acute Physical Exercise on Executive Functions and Emotional Recognition: Analysis of Moderate to High Intensity in Young Adults
    with Haney Aguirre-Loaiza, Jaime Arenas, Ianelleen Arias, Alejandra Franco-Jímenez, Sergio Barbosa-Granados, Federico Ayala-Zuluaga, César Núñez, and Alexandre García-Mas
    Frontiers in Psychology 10. 2019.
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    Plato and Kant on Beauty and Desire
    Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (1): 1-26. 2019.
    This article attempts to find common ground between Plato and Kant on the topic of beauty and aesthetic contemplation. The Kantian notion of “liking devoid of interest” is interpreted in such a way that it can be brought into harmony with two Platonic accounts of beauty found in the Symposium and the Hippias Major. I argue that both thinkers do justice to the relationship between desire and beauty, while also both asserting that the proper appreciation of beauty per se—whether in an object or as…Read more
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    The Eclipse of Beauty and its Recovery: A Lonergan Approach
    The Lonergan Review 9 149-153. 2018.
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    Confusion has long reigned over the circumstances in which this early work by Sartre was published, as well as its place among other, better-known texts. In 1927, Sartre completed a thesis for his diplôme d’études supérieures, entitled, “L’Image dans la vie psychologique: Role et nature.” In 1936, he submitted a revised and expanded version of that thesis, simply titled L’Image, for publication in a series called Nouvelle Encyclopedie philosophique. That work consisted of a propaedeutic first ha…Read more