•  32
    Francisco Suárez, Metaphysical Disputation II: On the Essential Concept or Concept of Being
    with Francisco Suárez
    Catholic University of America Press. 2023.
    An English translation of the Second Disputation.
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    A translation of the First Disputation from Francisco Suárez's Disputationes Metaphysicae.
  • This dissertation focuses on the one feature most clearly shared by the otherwise very different metaphysical systems of Aristotle, Descartes and Leibniz---i.e., the role of each in providing foundations for a system of natural science. Chapters 1 and 2 are devoted to a discussion of how Aristotle's metaphysics is foundational for his natural science. Chapters 3 and 4 do the same for Descartes and Leibniz. ;The thesis of the first two chapters is that for Aristotle, since scientific understandin…Read more
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    The Ontological Status of Bodies in Leibniz (Part II)
    Studia Leibnitiana 48 (1): 68-88. 2016.
    In the second part of this essay, I aim to show that Leibniz, in asserting that bodies are aggregates of substances, wants to affirm something about bodies insofar as they exist a parte rei or in reality: in reality a body is not a being, but a multitude of beings or substances. And this, on my view, is precisely what leads Leibniz to assert that bodies are phenomena: since a body is not in reality a being, but many beings, it follows that a body, conceived as a being, is something that exists o…Read more
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    Leibniz and Monadic Domination
    Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 6 209-48. 2013.
    In this paper, I aim to offer a clear explanation of what monadic domination, understood as a relation obtaining exclusively among monads, amounts to in the philosophy of Leibniz (and this insofar as monadic domination is conceived by Leibniz not to account for the substantial unity of composite substances). Central to my account is the Aristotelian notion of a hierarchy of activities, as well as a particular understanding of the relations that obtain among the perceptions of monads that stand i…Read more
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    The paper proposes a novel understanding of how Aristotle’s theoretical works complement each other in such a way as to form a genuine system, and this with the immediate (and ostensibly central) aim of addressing a longstanding question regarding Aristotle’s ‘first philosophy’—namely, is Aristotle’s first philosophy a contribution to theology, or to the science of being in general? Aristotle himself seems to suggest that it is in some ways both, but how this can be is a very difficult question.…Read more
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    Leibniz and Prime Matter
    Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (3): 435-460. 2015.
    I argue that the prime matter that Leibniz posits in every created monad is understood by him to be a mere defect or negation, and not something real and positive. Further, I argue that Leibniz’s talk of prime matter in every created monad is inspired by the thirteenth-century doctrine of spiritual matter, but that such talk is simply one way in which Leibniz frames a point that he frequently makes elsewhere—namely, that each creaturely essence incorporates a limitation that is the ultimate sour…Read more
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    Ideas and Confusion in Leibniz
    British Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (4): 705-733. 2009.
    According to Margaret Wilson, Leibniz is inconsistent when it comes to the question of whether one can have distinct ideas of sensible qualities, and this because he sometimes conceives of sensible qualities as sensations and sometimes conceives of them as complexes of primary qualities. When he conceives of them as sensations, he denies that we can have distinct ideas of sensible qualities; when he conceives of them as complexes of primary qualities, he asserts that we can. In this paper I argu…Read more
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    Leibniz and the Fardella Memo
    Studia Leibnitiana 41 (1): 67-87. 2009.
    A number of recent studies have called into question the traditional interpretation of Leibniz as an idealist beginning, at the latest, with the composition of the Discourse on Metaphysics (1686). In particular, in a recent book Daniel Garber affirms that between the late 1670s and late 1690s Leibniz maintains a realist doctrine according to which the created world is populated with extended corporeal substances. In trying to prove his thesis, Garber appeals to a document written in 1690 where L…Read more
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    The Ontological Status of Bodies in Leibniz (Part I)
    Studia Leibnitiana 47 (2): 131-161. 2015.
    It's well known that Leibniz characterizes bodies in two apparently incompatible ways. On the one hand, he asserts that a body is a real or well-founded phenomenon; on the other, he claims that a body is an aggregate of substances that possesses the reality of these same substances. In this essay I aim to defend an explanation of the relation that exists, according to Leibniz, between these two conceptions of body, an explanation that shows them to be compatible and, indeed, complementary. In th…Read more