Silvia Manzo is research scholar of the National Research Council (CONICET, Argentina) and teaches Early Modern Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities and Sciences of Education, National University of La Plata, Argentina.
She did her undergraduate studies in Philosophy at the National University of La Plata. Her doctoral research on Francis Bacon's matter theory was carried out at the University of Regensburg, the University of Hamburg and Herzog August Bibliothek (Wolfenbüttel). In 2000 she received her PhD from the University of Buenos Aires.
She has been visiting scholar at the Department of History and Philo…
Silvia Manzo is research scholar of the National Research Council (CONICET, Argentina) and teaches Early Modern Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities and Sciences of Education, National University of La Plata, Argentina.
She did her undergraduate studies in Philosophy at the National University of La Plata. Her doctoral research on Francis Bacon's matter theory was carried out at the University of Regensburg, the University of Hamburg and Herzog August Bibliothek (Wolfenbüttel). In 2000 she received her PhD from the University of Buenos Aires.
She has been visiting scholar at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of Cambridge University, the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Technische Universität Berlin, Universitè Paris Diderot, the University of Bucharest and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She has been fellow of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD),the British Council and the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung. She is founding member of the Red Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre filósofas en la historia (ReLaPHi)
Current research project
Women philosophers in history: new readings of early modern natural philosophy, metaphysics and anthropology