Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München
Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Study of Religion
PhD, 2003
Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
  • Interpretation und das Prinzip der Nachsicht
    Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 42 108-119. 2017.
  • The Discrimination Argument and the Standard Strategy
    Grazer Philosophische Studien 90 213-230. 2014.
  • Interpretation und das Prinzip der Nachsicht
    Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 42 108-119. 2017.
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    Moore’s Proof, Perception, and Scepticism
    Grazer Philosophische Studien 94 (4): 552-576. 2017.
    Two major arguments have been advanced for the claim that there is a transmission failure in G.E. Moore’s famous proof of an external world. The first argument, due to Crispin Wright, is based on an epistemological doctrine now known as ‘conservatism’. Proponents of the second argument, like Nicholas Silins, invoke probabilistic considerations, most important among them Bayes’ theorem. The aim of this essay is to defend Moore’s proof against these two arguments. It is shown, first, that Wright’s…Read more
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    Falsifikationismus ohne Festsetzungen
    Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 75 (2): 187-201. 2021.
    The aim of this essay is to show that the key innovations of Karl Popper's philosophy of science can be disentangled from the prevailing conventionalism in his main work "The Logic of Scientific Discovery." Popper's falsificationism and his rejection of justification can be detached from his view that the criterion of demarcation, the basic statements and the claim that laws are falsifiable hypotheses are stipulations.
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    Closure and the Lottery
    Grazer Philosophische Studien 99 (3): 405-419. 2022.
    Ever since Fred Dretske (1970) questioned closure, a denial of this principle has been among the standard options for a resolution of epistemological paradoxes such as the skeptical paradox (Cohen 1988) and the lottery paradox (Harman 1973). In this article, the author shall argue that all possible solutions of the latter paradox can only be defended if Multi-Premise Closure is rejected. These possible solutions are contextualism and both simple and sensitive moderate invariantism. It will be sh…Read more
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    Moores Paradox, Expressivismus und Selbstkenntnis
    Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 62 (2): 233-253. 2008.
    Wright zufolge haben Selbstzuschreibungen geistiger Zustände drei grundlegende Eigenschaften: Autorität, Transparenz und Grundlosigkeit. Der Cartesianismus und der Expressivismus sind Versuche, diese drei Eigenschaften von Selbstzuschreibungen zu erklären. Nach Wright sind jedoch sowohl der cartesianische als auch der expressivistische Erklärungsansatz nicht haltbar. Müssen wir also einen Wittgensteinschen „Deflationismus" bezüglich Selbstzuschreibungen akzeptieren, dem gemäß die drei genannten …Read more
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    Boghossian's discrimination argument for the incompatibility of externalism and a priori self-knowledge presupposes the relevant-alternatives account of knowledge, more precisely, the claim that the ability to rule out relevant alternatives is a necessary condition for knowledge. In the first two sections of this essay, I object to Boghossian's argument by showing that the standard way of supporting the claim just mentioned, namely with recourse to Goldman's famous barn example, will not convinc…Read more
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    Descartes’ Sum-Res-Cogitans-Argument in der Zweiten Meditation
    Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 104 (1): 74-107. 2022.
    Two major interpretations have been advanced for the sum res cogitans passage in Descartes’s Second Meditation. According to the first interpretation, he argues in this passage that only thinking belongs to his essence. According to the second interpretation, due to Anthony Kenny, Harry Frankfurt and others, no such claim is defended by Descartes. Rather, it is his aim to argue that only thinking can be ascribed to him with certainty. In this essay, it will be shown that the “naive”, essentialis…Read more
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    Wright on McKinsey One More Time
    Logos and Episteme 12 (1): 101-116. 2021.
    In this essay, Crispin Wright’s various attempts at solving the so-called McKinsey paradox are reconstructed and criticized. In the first section, I argue against Anthony Brueckner that Wright’s solution does require that there is a failure of warrant transmission in McKinsey’s argument. To this end, a variant of the McKinsey paradox for earned a priori warrant is reconstructed, and it is claimed that Wright’s putative solution of this paradox is best understood as drawing on the contention that…Read more
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    Zu einem handlungstheoretischen Paradox
    Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 68 (4): 474-494. 2014.
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    Externalismus und Selbstkenntnis. Die McKinsey-Paradoxie
    Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 72 (4): 558-577. 2018.
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    Ein Argument für den Externalismus
    Philosophisches Jahrbuch 129 (1): 27-39. 2022.
    The aim of this article is twofold: First, it is argued that Tyler Burge’s case for externalism in the philosophy of mind, which is based on Hilary Putnam’s twin-earth thought experiment, fails. Second, it is shown that a convincing argument for externalism can be nonetheless construed by relying on Putnam’s thought experiment.
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    Berkeleys Idealismus
    Philosophisches Jahrbuch 121 (1): 76-91. 2014.
    According to a widespread interpretation of Berkeley’s philosophy, advocated, for example, by Kant and Reid, Berkeley’s main claim in the Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge is that there are no material, but only mental entities. In the following essay, it is argued that this reading of Berkeley’s idealism is mistaken. Berkeley does not hold ontological idealism, that is, the view that there is not a material world, to be true, but only counterfactual idealism, that is, the cl…Read more
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    Das Cogito als Fundament des Wissens
    History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 25 (2): 375-404. 2022.
    In this essay, I discuss three readings of Descartes’ Meditations. According to the first reading, “I exist” is for Descartes the foundation of our knowledge. This reading is dismissed on the grounds that, in his view, as long as God’s existence is not proven there is a good reason to doubt this proposition. Proponents of the second reading claim that there are two kinds of Cartesian knowledge: perfect and imperfect knowledge. The meditator has imperfect knowledge of “I exist” before God’s exist…Read more
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    Against Boghossian’s Case for Incompatibilism
    Logos and Episteme 9 (3): 285-306. 2018.
    Two major objections have been raised to Boghossian’s discrimination argument for the incompatibility of externalism and self-knowledge. Proponents of the first objection claim that thoughts about “twin water” are not relevant alternatives to thoughts about water. Advocates of the second objection argue that the ability to rule out relevant alternatives is not required for knowledge. Even though it has been shown that these two objections to Boghossian’s argument are misguided, it will be argued…Read more
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    Moore’s Proof, Warrant Transmission and Skepticism
    Philosophia 50 (2): 487-502. 2021.
    Two major arguments have been advanced for the claim that there is a transmission failure in G. E. Moore’s famous proof of an external world. The first argument, due to Crispin Wright, is based on an epistemological doctrine now known as “conservatism.” Proponents of the second argument, like Nicholas Silins, invoke probabilistic considerations, most important among them Bayes’ theorem. The aim of this essay is to defend Moore’s proof against these two arguments. It is shown, first, that Wright’…Read more
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    The Discrimination Argument Revisited
    Erkenntnis 72 (1): 73-92. 2010.
    The first explicit argument for the incompatibility of externalism in the philosophy of mind and a priori self-knowledge is Boghossian’s discrimination argument. In this essay, I oppose the third premise of this argument, trying to show by means of a thought experiment that possessing the “twater thought” is not an alternative, a fortiori not a relevant alternative, to having the “water thought.” I then examine a modified version of Boghossian’s argument. The attempt is made to substantiate the …Read more