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  • Buddhisms and Deconstructions
    with Jane Augustine, Zong-qi Cai, Gad Horowitz, Roger Jackson, E. H. Jarow, Steven W. Laycock, David R. Loy, Ian Mabbett, Frank W. Stevenson, Youru Wang, and Ellen Y. Zhang
    Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2006.
    Buddhisms and Deconstructions considers the connection between Buddhism and Derridean deconstruction, focusing on the work of Robert Magliola. Fourteen distinguished contributors discuss deconstruction and various Buddhisms—Indian, Tibetan, and Chinese —followed by an afterword in which Magliola responds directly to his critics
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    Continental and postmodern perspectives in the philosophy of science (edited book)
    with Babette E. Babich and Debra B. Bergoffen
    Avebury. 1995.
    Examines the implications of recent continental epistemology challenging the relationship between traditional, analytic, continental and postmodern understandings of science, showing that the challenging circumstances of the scientific project are transforming the role and meaning of science in the modern/postmodern world.
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    Taking its point of departure from Husserl’s recognition that consciousness is intentional, and Sartre’s concomitant non-reificatory notion of consciousness, understood therefore as not a thing, or as nothingness, definitive of human identity, the article proceeds by asking how, if this is so, is it possible to become conscious of consciousness, which is to say reflectively self-conscious. Explicating the relationship between the reflective mirroring of the Self to the Self, as reflected in “the…Read more
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    Democracy, Liberalism, Torture and Extra-Judicial Assassination
    Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69 141-147. 2018.
    Of the many ideological blind spots that have afflicted political perceptions and analysis, none has been more debilitating than the equation of democracy with liberalism. Thus those who attempt to derive propaganda value from such an equation are vulnerable, as the US government has found, to the rhetorical counter attack that in opposing democratically elected governments, such as that of Hamas or Hugo Chavez, they are not merely being anti-democratic, but are in illiberal opposition to human …Read more
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    Identity, Intersubjectivity and Communicative Action
    The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 27 16-24. 1998.
    Traditionally, attempts to verify communications between individuals and cultures appeal to 'public' objects, essential structures of experience, or universal reason. Contemporary continental philosophy demonstrates that not only such appeals, but fortuitously also the very conception of isolated individuals and cultures whose communication such appeals were designed to insure, are problematic. Indeed we encounter and understand ourselves, and are also originally constituted, in relation to othe…Read more
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    Identity, Perception, Action and Choice in Contemporary and Traditional “No-Self” Theories
    The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 15 13-19. 1998.
    The ego is traditionally held to be synonymous with individual identity and autonomy, while the mind is widely held to be a necessary basis of cognition and volition, with responsibility following accordingly. However Buddhist epistemology, existential phenomenology and poststructuralism all hold the notion of an independent, subsisting, self-identical subject to be an illusion. This not only raises problems for our understanding of cognition and volition, as well as for the notion of responsibi…Read more
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    The Philosophy of Time: Time Before Times, Roger McIure
    Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 39 (1): 109-111. 2008.
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    Reply to Wil Coleman
    Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 26 (1): 96-98. 1995.
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    The Self after Postmodernity, by Calvin O. Schrag
    Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 31 (1): 109-111. 2000.
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    Sartre and Flaubert, by Hazel Barnes
    Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 15 (1): 92-94. 1984.
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    Fashionable Nihilism: A Critique of Analytic Philosophy, Bruce Wilshire
    Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 36 (3): 334-335. 2005.
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    Models of the Self, eds. Shaun Gallagher and Jonathan Shear
    Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 33 (1): 101-102. 2002.
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    Long debated has been whether or not the “objectivistic” epistemologies, quantitative methods and causal explanations, developed by the natural sciences for the study of physical objects, their actions and interactions, might also be applied to the study of human subjects, their experiences, actions and social interactions. Pointing out that such supposedly objective approaches would be singularly inappropriate to the study of the significance or meanings, qualitative values and freedom of choic…Read more
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    Towards a unified epistemology of the human and natural sciences
    Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 24 (2): 173-189. 1993.
  • Glynn-on a unified epistemology of the natural human/sciences-reply
    Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 26 (1): 96-98. 1995.
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    Ways of Knowing: The Creative Process and the Design of Technology
    Journal of Applied Philosophy 10 (2): 155-163. 1993.
    ABSTRACT This paper draws upon the already extensive epistemology of science, both to provide a yardstick of comparison for the emergent epistemology of design, and to establish some starting points from which we might begin to construct the epistemology of design. In approaching the problem of how designers design, the paper employs Heidegger's distinction between ‘know‐how’and ‘knowledge‐that’, popularised by Ryle, and shows it to be central to the distinction between the implicit processes of…Read more
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    The Logos Mythos Deconstructed
    Dialogue and Universalism 15 (3-4): 59-76. 2005.
    One implication of Godel’s Proof is that, as Barry Barnes has observed, “For people to operate...rationally they need to have internalized some non-rational commitment to rationality”. In which case “The customary Enlightenment formula, according to which the process of demagification of the world leads necessarily from mythos to logos, seems . . .” Gadamer suggests, “. . . to be a modern prejudice”, or myth. Yet some myths are more useful than others, and therefore it may be on pragmatic ground…Read more
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    At a time when global warming due to greenhouse gas emissions pose a present and clear threat to the environment, the Nuclear Energy Industry is gearing up to provide a solution to this problem, trading upon a number of fallacies to argue that it neither makes, nor will in future make, any significant contribution to these or to other radiation-linked diseases. This paper exposes these fallacies and argues, to the contrary, that even should the industry be able to avoid all accidents, routine ra…Read more
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    The Hermeneutical Human and Social Sciences
    In Babette E. Babich (ed.), Hermeneutic Philosophies of Social Science, De Gruyter. pp. 315-340. 2017.
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    The Ethics of the Global Environment (review)
    Environmental Ethics 23 (1): 107-108. 2001.
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    Some Reflections upon the Supposed Moral Distinction between Terrorism and the Legitimate Use of Military Force
    The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 1 207-211. 2007.
    Defining "terrorism" as the intentional targeting of non-combatant civilians, the paper argues that, other things being equal, it is not possible to effectively distinguish morally between "terrorism" and use of military power against combatant targets which might reasonably be expected to produce some guesstimable quantity of "collateral" or non-combatant civilian casualties; that it is upon the expected likely consequences of actions rather than upon the intentions underlying them, that actors…Read more
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    The freedom of the deconstructed postmodern subject
    Continental Philosophy Review 35 (1): 61-76. 2002.
    Poststructuralists have tried to deconstruct the subject, that is, demonstrate that it is constituted by the system of cultural and linguistic relations in which it is found. The result is that just at the moment when self-actualization seems for the first time to be politically possible for many hitherto marginalized subjects, they, and subjects more generally, appear to have been denatured – reduced to the cultural systems which are the condition of their possibility and consequently deprived …Read more
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    The Ethics of the Global Environment (review)
    Environmental Ethics 23 (1): 107-108. 2001.