•  18
    Halloween, Organization, and the Ethics of Uncanny Celebration
    with Kathleen Riach
    Journal of Business Ethics 161 (1): 103-114. 2020.
    This article examines the relationship between organizational ethics, the uncanny, and the annual celebration of Halloween. We begin by exploring the traditional and contemporary organizational function of Halloween as ‘tension-management ritual’ :44–59, 2000) through which collective fears, anxieties, and fantasies are played out and given material expression. Combining the uncanny with the folkloric concept of ostension, we then examine an incident in which UK supermarket retailers made nation…Read more
  •  21
    Halloween, Organization, and the Ethics of Uncanny Celebration
    with Kathleen Riach
    Journal of Business Ethics 161 (1): 103-114. 2020.
    This article examines the relationship between organizational ethics, the uncanny, and the annual celebration of Halloween. We begin by exploring the traditional and contemporary organizational function of Halloween as ‘tension-management ritual’ :44–59, 2000) through which collective fears, anxieties, and fantasies are played out and given material expression. Combining the uncanny with the folkloric concept of ostension, we then examine an incident in which UK supermarket retailers made nation…Read more