19With Great Power Comes Changing Representations: From Radiation to Genetics in the Origin of Spider-ManIn Arno Görgen, German Alfonso Nunez & Heiner Fangerau (eds.), Handbook of Popular Culture and Biomedicine: Knowledge in the Life Sciences as Cultural Artefact, Springer Verlag. pp. 259-270. 2018.In 1962, Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider and transformed into Spider-Man; in 2000, Peter Parker was bitten by a genetically modified spider and transformed into Spider-Man. What does this change in scientific representation mean? This paper reflects a little on this question to suggest that, whilst in one way it is an indication of the cultural penetration of ‘gene talk’ – that is, the rhetoric of the genetic determination of the whole of life – in another way it means nothing of…Read more
10The Public Understanding of Science—A Rhetorical InventionScience, Technology, and Human Values 27 (1): 87-111. 2002.This article contributes to the development of a rhetorical approach to the public understanding of science or science literacy. It is argued that rhetoric promises an alternative approach to deficit models that treat people as faulty scientists. Some tensions in the relevant rhetorical literature need resolution. These center on the application to science of an Aristotelian conception of rhetorical reasoning as enthymematic, without breaking from the Platonic/aristotelian division between techn…Read more
3Re-Crafting Rationalization: Enchanted Science and Mundane MysteriesRoutledge. 2011.Re-Crafting Rationalization contributes to debates relating to the public understanding of science, regarding the conceptualisation of the relationship between 'science' and 'the public'. With profound implications for the ways in which we make sense of these developments, this book will be of interest not only to sociologists and social theorists, but also to those interested in popular culture and subcultures and the history, philosophy and sociology of science.
2Constructing "the Beginning": Discourses of Creation ScienceRoutledge. 1999.Focuses on the role and significance of science in modernity and public understanding of science. The author treats creationism as a case study of the argumentative engagement between science and non-science and as central to the commonsense lifeworld as it is to the lives of its intellectuals.