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    Semantically cued contextual implicatures in legal texts
    Journal of Pragmatics 42 (3): 728-743. 2010.
    In this article I discuss one of the linguistic means which enables speakers to represent content in their utterances without expressing it explicitly. I will argue, in line with Wilson and Sperber, that the logical form of the argument encoded by an utterance (however fragmentarily or incompletely) is sufficient as a cue directing the hearers to the implicit content of the speaker's meaning. I will suggest that the logical form of the encoded argument enables the speaker to represent in the utt…Read more
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    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2016 Heft: 209 Seiten: 99-123
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    The rationality of legal argumentation
    Pragmatics and Cognition 17 (2): 383-401. 2009.
    According to Dascal, controversy is characterised by a special kind of rationality, one result thereof being the unique contribution of this kind of polemics to the growth of knowledge. This, in turn, implies that complete cooperation may be detrimental for the efficiency of communication. In this article I discuss the kind of rationality that characterises controversy in legal discourse, in order to provide additional support to Dascal’s thesis about the uniqueness of the rationality of this ki…Read more
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    Manipulation by deliberate failure of communication
    Pragmatics and Society 6 (4): 502-516. 2015.
    This work studies manipulative use of language that can be called “deliberate failure of communication”; I characterize this kind of manipulation and show that it can be found in the discourse of marketing experts and legal professionals. Relying on relevance theory, I show that manipulation of this kind takes advantage of what van Dijk calls the “context model” of the addressees. I exemplify two ways in which the context models of some of the discourse’s participants might be misused in order t…Read more
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    On the Incoherence of Legal Language to the General Public
    International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 24 (1): 41-59. 2011.
    I will suggest, in this article, a possible explanation of the fact that legal language appears incoherent to the general public. I will present one legal text (an indictment), explaining why it appears incoherent to legal laypersons. I will argue that the traits making this particular text appear incoherent are, first, that a specialized legal meaning is conveyed implicitly and, second, that there are no key-words that could direct laypersons to the knowledge making this meaning obvious to lega…Read more