Dr. Brier is since 2008 Professor MSO in the Semiotics of Information, Cognition and Communication Sciences at Department of International Business Communication Studies Copenhagen Business School, Dalgas Have 15, 2000 Frederiksberg. 2003-7 Assoc. Prof. CBS. Dept. of Management, Politics and Philosophy. 1998-2003 Assoc. Prof. in Philosophy of Science at KVL (the Royal Veterinary and Agricul¬tural U. of Copenhagen), Institut for Økonomi, Skov og Landskab (IØSL) (Dept. of Economics and Natural Resources). 1987-1998 Assoc, professor of science and technology infor-mation systems at the Royal School of Lib…
Dr. Brier is since 2008 Professor MSO in the Semiotics of Information, Cognition and Communication Sciences at Department of International Business Communication Studies Copenhagen Business School, Dalgas Have 15, 2000 Frederiksberg. 2003-7 Assoc. Prof. CBS. Dept. of Management, Politics and Philosophy. 1998-2003 Assoc. Prof. in Philosophy of Science at KVL (the Royal Veterinary and Agricul¬tural U. of Copenhagen), Institut for Økonomi, Skov og Landskab (IØSL) (Dept. of Economics and Natural Resources). 1987-1998 Assoc, professor of science and technology infor-mation systems at the Royal School of Librari¬anship, Aal¬borg Branch, Denmark. Part time lecture at Aalborg U. in philosophy of science 1995-97 and at Copenhagen Business School 1999 at LPF.
Master of Science in biology with geography and geology from University of Copenhagen 1979 with exchange courses in philosophy of science, psychology and brain processes as well as comparative psychology. Thesis: A critical and historical examina¬¬t-ion of ethology’s expla¬natory concepts of perception, motivation and action (in Danish). 1981-1983 research fellowship in Psycholo¬gi¬cal Labora¬torium at The Uni¬versity of Copen¬hagen on the limits of biological methods in human psychology. 1994 Ph.D. in Philosophy of information Science at The Inst. for the Study of Mathematics and Physics and their use in Research, Teaching and Practise (IMFUFA), Roskilde University Centre, Denmark. 2006 (March), Dissertation in Danish published as the book: Information is silver…, Doctor of Philosophy at Copenhagen Business School (Doctor Habil) Title: Cybersemiotics: Why Information is not Enough. Improved version published by University of Toronto Press in 2008. New edition 2010 with minor changes.
Areas of research:
Cybersemiotics: A transdisciplinarian philosophy of science approach using second order cyber¬netics, Luhmanian system theory and Peircean biosemiotics as epistemolo-gical strate¬gies in the transdisciplinary under¬standing of embodied infor¬mational, cognitive and communica¬tional processes in general and their relation to the design of infor¬mation systems and technology as well as to make different knowledge systems understandable to each other going from natural, life and social science to humanities from theoretical to practical knowledge, from qualitative phenomenological-hermeneutical analysis to empirical quantitative statistical models, from embodied tacit to verbal knowledge, from information science to semeiotics.
Peircean semiotics and its understanding og the relation between science and religion.
Analysing the interactions of science, religion, politics and media in democratic societies in the public Agora of the global society. Special case Bjørn Lomborg and his influence on the debate on ecological disaster and global warming.
Professional activities: 1. Founder and editor of the interdisci¬plinary journal Paradig¬ma 1986 - 1990. 2. A founder and board member of the Danish Academy of Applied Philosophy 1986-1996 3. 1992- Member and trustee of the American Society for Cybernetics and from 2009 a fellow. 4. Founder and editor of the international interdisciplinary quar¬terly jour¬nal Cy¬ber¬ne¬tics & Hu-man Kn¬o¬win¬g: A Journal on Second-order Cybernetics, autopoiesis and Cybersemiotics, founded in 1992-, publishing four issues of 100 pages each per year, Publisher: Imprint Academic, London. Journal work supported by CBS. Related to ASC (Am. Soc. Cyb.). 5. 2001- 2010 Board member of RC51 Sociocybernetics group, ISA (Intern. Sociological Ass.). 6. 1986- Member of the Danish Society for the Semiotics of Nature and the biosemiotic group. 7. 2000- Occasional referee for Journal of Consciousness Studies. 8. 2003- , member of the scientific board of FIS-group (Foundation of Information Science.) and of BITrum http://en.bitrum.unileon.es/bitrum-members/scientific-committee. 9. 2005: part of the founding Committee of the International Society of Biosemiotic Studies 10. 2007- , member of advisory board of The Science of Information Institute. http://mod1.syros.aegean.gr/soii/index.php/en/about-scii 11. 2003-, member of the board of Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 2004-Triple C (Communication, Cognition and Co-operation) and Organisational Transformation and Social Change from Intellect, from 2007 the journal Biosemiotics from Springer. 12. 2006 appointed CORDIS expert evaluator.
Awards: 1. The gold medal of the University of Copenhagen 1981 for a prize essay in psychology, on probabilistic and hierarchical models of motivation. 2. The International Institute of Advanced Studies in Systems Cybernetics and System Research Foundation’s Distinguished Service Award in recognition of the distinguished service for the cybernetic community. 3. Systems Research Foundation Award for his great contribution to advancement of Cybernetics and for his excellent editorial work in publishing Cybernetics and Human Knowing. 1996. 4. EMCSR 2002 Best paper award in the symposium Foundation of Information Science. 5. Marquis Who’sWho in the World.(2001- ) 6. Who’sWho in Science and Engineering (2002- ) 7. 2008: Warren McCulloch Award and a fellowship of the American Society of Cybernetics. Lexica mentioning Cybersemiotics 1. Handbuch der Semiotik, ed. W. Nöth, Metzler (2000), 2nd edn. translated into several languages; 2. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics, eds. T.A. Sebeok & M. Danesi, De Gruyter (2009), 3rd rev. edn. 3. The Routledge Companion to Semiotics, ed. P. Cobley, Routledge (2009), 2nd edn.; 4. under ‘Biosemiotics’ in Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Elsevier (2005), 2nd edn. 5. Glossarium-BITri : http://glossarium.bitrum.unileon.es/glossary/cybersemiotics. 6. International Encyclopedia of Systems and Cybernetics Charles Francois (Ed.)(2004), K.G. Saur, München,p.148. 7. Encyclopedia of Science, technology and Ethics, Carl Mitcham (Ed.) (2005) Thomson, Gale, New York, p. 1747.