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    In recent years, there has been a growing interest in truthmaker semantics as a framework for understanding a range of phenomena in philosophy and linguistics. Despite this interest, there has been limited study of the various logics that arise from the semantics. This paper aims to address this gap by exploring numerous ‘truthmaker logics’ and proving their compactness and decidability. This is in continuation with the inquiry of Fine and Jago (2019), who proved compactness and decidability for…Read more
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    Modal Information Logics: Axiomatizations and Decidability
    Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (6): 1723-1766. 2023.
    The present paper studies formal properties of so-called modal information logics (MILs)—modal logics first proposed in (van Benthem 1996 ) as a way of using possible-worlds semantics to model a theory of information. They do so by extending the language of propositional logic with a binary modality defined in terms of being the supremum of two states. First proposed in 1996, MILs have been around for some time, yet not much is known: (van Benthem 2017, 2019 ) pose two central open problems, nam…Read more