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    This book brings together insights from border scholars and philosophers to ask how we are to define and understand concepts of borders today. Borders have a defining role in contemporary societies. Take, for example, the 2016 US election and the UK Brexit referendum, and subsequent debate, where the rhetoric and symbolism of border controls proved fundamental to the outcomes. However, borders are also becoming ever more multifaceted and complex, representing intersections of political, economic…Read more
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    The Aporia of Limitation
    Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 30 67-71. 2018.
    Following Aristotle’s statement, introducing the Book Z of his Metaphysics, that is “Being has many senses”, which is also so important to Heidegger, this paper will develop the hypothesis that Being, as we find it addressed in Heidegger, can be considered as a radical re-articulation of the question of limitation in its most general sense. This re-statement is to be conceived: A) as radical in the sense of bringing the question of limitation into the center of philosophical inquiry or rather to…Read more