Philosopher, programmer, thinker, writer. Has worked as a senior technical advisor and researcher for many years. Interested profoundly in science and religion philosophy. Chief Editor of Harmonia Philosophica from 2010. Advocate of harmony in philosophy, which entails both science and religion as tools to reach the truth.
His philosophical work is mainly concentrated on an effort to free thinking from the chains of “logic” and reconcile all philosophical opinions under the umbrella of the “One” that Parmenides – one of the first thinkers – visualized. This can only happen via the vehicle of irrationality that allows us to think without thin…
Philosopher, programmer, thinker, writer. Has worked as a senior technical advisor and researcher for many years. Interested profoundly in science and religion philosophy. Chief Editor of Harmonia Philosophica from 2010. Advocate of harmony in philosophy, which entails both science and religion as tools to reach the truth.
His philosophical work is mainly concentrated on an effort to free thinking from the chains of “logic” and reconcile all philosophical opinions under the umbrella of the “One” that Parmenides – one of the first thinkers – visualized. This can only happen via the vehicle of irrationality that allows us to think without thinking, to see without seeing, to sense without sensing.
Credo quia absurdum!