Stella Villarmea is a main contributor to the emergent field of the Philosophy of Birth. She currently leads the Programme of Excellence, on the Philosophy of Birth (PHILBIRTH-2), funded by the Government of Madrid (2021-23). As a Marie S. Curie Fellow at the University of Oxford, she led the research project, ‘Controversies in Childbirth: from Epistemology to Practices (VOICEs)’, funded by the European Commission (2018-20). As the principal investigator of the project, ‘Philosophy of Birth: Rethinking the Origin from Medical (PHILBIRTH-1)’, funded by the Ministry of Economy in Spain, she coordinated an interdisciplinary team of philosophers…
Stella Villarmea is a main contributor to the emergent field of the Philosophy of Birth. She currently leads the Programme of Excellence, on the Philosophy of Birth (PHILBIRTH-2), funded by the Government of Madrid (2021-23). As a Marie S. Curie Fellow at the University of Oxford, she led the research project, ‘Controversies in Childbirth: from Epistemology to Practices (VOICEs)’, funded by the European Commission (2018-20). As the principal investigator of the project, ‘Philosophy of Birth: Rethinking the Origin from Medical (PHILBIRTH-1)’, funded by the Ministry of Economy in Spain, she coordinated an interdisciplinary team of philosophers, health practitioners and social scientists around childbirth and birth care (2016-19).
With an expertise in epistemology and feminism, her works address the philosophical relation between knowledge and emancipation. She has published on conceptual innovation and scepticism, as well as on Wittgenstein, Kant, and Levinas.
Member of the Steering and Gender Committees of the International Federation of Philosophical Associations (FISP), she has been Speaker of the International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPH) and Board member of the Spanish Network for Philosophy (REF).
Invited professor at the universities of Humboldt, Paderborn, Lund, Marie S. Curie, and Kent, Villarmea has worked as Adjunct Professor at the University of Saint Louis-Madrid. She has done long research stays at the universities of Oxford, California-Santa Barbara, and Notre Dame (EEUU).
Villarmea´s outreach activity focuses on the educational and health sectors.
Contact: [email protected]
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